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Image Comments posted by defpitch



    when i went out that day my focus was more on backgrounds and

    bluring stuff out then the actual subjects themselves. any tips,

    hints, tricks? critiques much appreciated.



    Tried telling the bee to move over just a tad but he wasn't

    listening. so thats the best i could do. but i'm still happy with

    it. what do you think?

    Get your own space


    Wow this is really strange. i saw just saw this pic and it reminded me EXACTLY of a pic i just took a month or two a go. (except the bison?s head was cut off and wasn?t as good as this). But anyway I said to myself?wow that would be weird if this was taken in the villages too. then i looked at your details and saw it was. ha ha. i was just out their visiting some family in September. I actually got some cool photos of Sumter Island, Spanish Springs, and possibly the same buffalo you shot too! you can check em out in my portfolio.


    But anyway good photo. Hes lookin right at you. i guess the only thing i wold say is that it could benefit from a litle brightness and contrast balancing.


    best regards


    Louis Vuitton


    this is a very very cool shot. makes me think of how fashion and marketing can be so dominating and pushy. Could just see that giant mannequin yelling "BUY THIS! Your absolutly nothing without a Louis Vuitton purse!". Don?t know if that?s what you were going for but that?s what I get.


    Best regards


  1. awesome shot. i like the crop the way it is. the water and land balances out the sky very well. like the symmetry in the composition. great reflections, great silhouette, great colors.


    i like the expression, the high contrast, and the grain. but the ribbion(i think thats what it is) doesn't do it for me. at least not in the position it is in. takes away from her smile.
  2. Nice shot! Thats prob my fav pic ive seen in the past few weeks. At first i thought it was PS but after is studied it it made sense to me. very clever/humorus/original. Thanks for leaving a comment and letting me find this one!


    best regards


  3. nice shot! ive always wanted to try taking a pic like this but dont know how to go about it. (how to keep the camera dry, how to avoid getting elctocuted!, etc...).


    I love the set up of the picture tho. how your looking over the town and the way the lightning is striking the mountain side. excelent capture!


    Thanks for the comment,


    Dew Necklace


    WOW! im glad i clicked on the view larger! amazing pic mike! Detail is great and the DOF giving you that blured out background is perfect. it really does look like a necklace hanging there. Great idea/composition. Great capture.


    Thanks for your comment,



    Thanks for the suggestions guys. i think i do agree with you. there are just too many colors to lose with the below. I guess i was kind of liking the bottom one as kind of an abstract/what the heck is that/but looks kinda cool pic. I appreciate the feedback, Thanks.



    To explain a bit about the picture. I took this on my way back from

    Florida. I caught the sun rise which looked really cool from that

    high up. And the highlights you see are the engine and wing. The

    window was a bit frosty so its a soft looking picture. but i think

    it added to it. I didn't do much in PS. Only used it to tone down

    some of the banding (was really noticeable in the sepia tone).


    Otherwise im not sure which one i like better. Any opinions or

    critiques? would love to know what you guys think.






    Critiques Appreciated. If you like please check out my portfolio for

    another black and white pic. I didn't get much feed back on that one

    and would like to know which one is better. Thanks.

    "Childhood wishes"


    i dont really understand the low ratings on this one (especially when there is no reasoning or comments left to justify...but diff subject). i like this photo a lot. composition works for me. i like the soft focus, blurred background, and the stems missing seeds. maybe a bit dark? but i do like ambient photos like this. photo aside i guess the framing is very off balance. but otherwise i like it.


    good shot


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