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Image Comments posted by defpitch

    Wacker Dr.

    Wow. Ya that does make a big difference. I think I will have to improve my photoshoping skills a bit before pulling that off. When I was first taking it I thought it would be a nice touch, but it didn't translate as well as i had hopped. I'll prob take a shot at removing that when i get some time. Again thank you, your comments and suggestions are very valuable.


    Well it seems like usually there is nothing to be "said" about low ratings anywhere in this forum. That?s the only thing that frustrates me, not the ratings, but if you can take the time and open the picture, switch tabs, make a vote, and hit submit...just spend an extra second to write a quick critique. I appreciate your comment and you actually taking the time to give some sort of feedback. Looking at your portfolio, its people like you that i hope to get some tips or direction from. I?m just a noob trying to get better.



    Critiques appreciated.


    If you rate "below average" please indicate why. voting patterns

    seen on various pictures taken by me or others have gotten me

    somewhat discouraged with this forum. id be just as disappointed to

    see a 7/7 w/o knowing what you thought i did right. please feel free

    to rip into my photos and let me know what im doing wrong/right.

    that�s the point of a critique form right?


    great idea/great composition. framing has that photo booth picture feel to it. The only things i find distracting with this is the first picture the land on the left is fairly blurred out. a tripod might have been good for this (but then again a tripod may have been to clumsy to capture the moment the way u did). and finally maybe the pics could be centered a bit more. with unusual framing techniques like this, those black borders stand out if not sized right. otherwise great photo. thanks for sharing.


    nice contrast (in appearance and subject mater). the sky has great color and contrast to it. I like your decision to not go from corner to corner with the division. lol and the title is very fitting.


    Looks great with the black background. the only thing i find distracting are the specs b/w the petals on the lower right hand side. think about removing with PS to clean it up?
  1. beautiful shot. the sky and the tone that everything has is great. and the dust the horses are kicking up add to the atmosphere. and the separation b/w the guy in front and the rest behind him help you focus in one on subject in an otherwise pretty busy photo. well done. congrats.


    Good photo. The DOF is nice and i really like the lighting. the enclosed area works well with vanishing point. I agree with Doug, this would also probably work with a larger DOF too. did you happen to take multiple shots?



    Critiques very appreciated. If you like this pic please view my

    porfolio to the other 2 photos from this set and feel free to drop a

    comment. Thanks for viewing.



    Critiques very appreciated. If you like this pic please view my

    porfolio to the other 2 photos from this set and feel free to drop a

    comment. Thanks for viewing.


    nice! always good to see a 311 fan. nice job catching sa in the midst of one of his crazy dances. you catching them on tour this summer, or maybe this was from this summer? im missing out on the performance in chi this year, definitely bummed.



    Could go into a long thing about how life is surrounded by death and

    that it must be accepted as it is inevitable. But that there is a

    light...blah blah blah...


    But that would be real clich頡nd cheesy....so instead, i present to

    you a green leaf on top of a bunch of dried leaves. :)


    Critiques appreciated.



    I like the composition on this. The negative space works well with this image. As well as the blown out whites. Makes for an interesting capture. The floor board cutting across demonstrates the rule of thirds quire well and give it a sense of orientation (that he?s just not floating out there). Over all good image.


    Thanks for the comment,


  2. Saw some minimalist pieces on here that really interested

    me...thought I would try my hand at it. When I took this I couldnt

    help but wonder who this cloud was hanging over.


    At least I'm not alone/crazy. Ha ha. I don't know, i guess i just liked the way it looks like a painting and the way the smoke trails off toward the subjects. its hard to get it to look right on a computer screen, u really have to crank up the brightness. But thanks Mike for leaving a comment! i was curious about this one.

    B17 Edited

    David. That did make a big difference. More detail. The bomb hatch being open is a big part of the picture and now its more clearly visible. to bad i already rated this cus i would have bumped the aesthetics up to a 7.
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