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Image Comments posted by zigzag

    Sweet Girl

    Beautiful lighting on the little rascal and love that DOF. Was this an 85mm? (what lens?). The tilt of the head and the brilliant eye contact/baby skin softness work very well. I do wonder about the flower, it's very attractive but being pink it does scream for attention which rivals the blue eyes (which being eyes otherwise grab the attention).

    Tub Gardens

    I bet so many people walk past this every day and don't take in the beauty envisioned by the architect/designer. As a photographer you have done a great job in helping to say "hey, look at this beautiful creation , stop a while and appreciate it." Nice low viewpoint, harsh time of day, some vignette and sky interest would be nice.

    Captive Sadness

    What hurt and desolation you have conveyed here, the blood and scars really top it off. In addition the clarity, definition,diagonal line and framing all help to concentrate in on the animal. It really has a strong story - and being an exotic animal makes it all the better. Only the time of day could be chosen better to bring out the texture and reduce some harshness.

    Dawn Breaks

    This one has a wow factor and was definitely worth the early rise. Saturation looks a bit unreal in the distance but the wreck line and sand do work well in the foreground. I have seen this type of shot before where the photographer has made good use of the colour and reflections in the foreground puddles (to get double value from the sky as in the middleground in this one.) So far this had 20 views but you haven't submitted it for critique :-)

    Rocky Shores

    Beautiful time of day and long exposure, use of the headland as a leading line is a good idea but there is a bit of confusion in the foreground - is the front rock supposed to be in or out? What have you chosen as your foreground subject? The yellow rock on the left is also a little distracting. I am working on these type of seascapes myself (learning) and I find it helps to arrive a little early and work out the terrain before the best light arrives. In this small photo the forground doesn't look too sharp (hard to tell). Fix the tilt definitely. Namaste.
  1. Really nice viewpoint and well timed, dynamic capture. The surfer stands out well against the white and the vertical distance seems huge. Top third of photo is that shocking sky, but what can you do (fires or not)?

    'My Son' Farmer

    It's a good capture as an environmental portrait - - well framed for that. Flash is too high, green a bit sat. I hope you got a few close-ups of that face - there's a life there.
  2. Nice. With the face silhouetted it could be tempting to darken some more. The triangle of the boats leads in well. Proves me wrong that Vang Vieng beauty being killed by drunken tourists.
  3. You have 3 conflicting subjects here - all fighting for attention (lone tree, sun and great clouds). You've done well to keep them all in and use the water line as a lead-in. As a result you've had to crop the tree so it feels like it is trying to escape to the left. There is a complete photo in the right half of this one, vertical, using that water curve. There is another photo isolating the tree against the sky. All together it's trying to do too much - simplify.

    Misty wave

    Pano is good for this - nice spray and long lead-in line. With not much detail/muddy detail in the cliff I would be tempted to crop more away, especially as the sky is unattractive. The subject is central in both planes which makes it slightly more static than if it was offset. The 'larger' is huge = takes a while to load.

    Misty Morn


    Beautiful colours and nice misty effect. Catching the house/barn on the angle is a good idea - a zoom to emphasise event more the mist/house transition could have been another photo. The negative space of the sky is not working very hard - I agree that most times off centre works well and if the subject is to be central then it must make a statement.


    Anyway, it's a lovely morning shot.


    There's a nice line of light along the rocks into the photo and the long exposure sea looks good, the sky is going towards posterised (on my current screen) but retains its attractiveness.


    A good but fairly 'standard' shot - interesting sky, good framing, foreground interest to add some depth but nothing 'extra'. A fairly straight through line and 'normal' camera height. I'm looking for something to grab the eye.
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