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Image Comments posted by tonybrown

  1. Tornado or Microburst, we are not sure. On the 17th July 2007, this

    enormous 20 inch diameter birch tree dropped between our truck and

    the cottage while a 120 foot pine dropped on the other side of the

    cottage. We estimate 80 trees dropped on our 2/3 acre forest

    property. We escaped with our lives, and the cottage and truck

    intact, thanks to the mercy of God.

    Forgot His Mittens

    Mary Fran: I really like the crop and especially the detail of the branch. Looks like the focus was perfect and you are using my favourite lens. I don't know whether you have any latitude to trade some ISO speed for more shutter speed? Which might help to freeze his wiskers, although they are pretty sharp. One of the reasons I prefer my 5D to my 20D for this kind of shot is the better noise performance at high ISO. I don't think pixel size is an issue. Regards, Tony.

    Red Squirrel

    Just a thought about the squirrel's eye. This is not a jpg artifact, but seems to be a reflection of the scene behind the camera, the squirrel is above the ground sitting on a rock. There's a white ski trail, and a line of jack-pine trees in the distance. The convex surface of the eye acts like a wide angle lens. The blip in the middle could be me. Tony :)

    Red Squirrel


    Thanks for the helpful comments. I toned down the highlights a little in RAW (I'm using CS3 beta) using the recover option and stopped down half a stop in the attached version. Incidently, this is a cropped version of the full picture on my photo.net site. So there is a little noise. Thanks again, Tony


    Starry night


    This wide angle capture of the night sky was taken in the hills of

    Quebec, far away from the city lights. The camera was hand held on

    the windowsill. I was delighted. The stars are the right colours -

    you may recognise Orion, Betelgeuse (yellow), Ballatrix, M42 (Orion

    Nebulla), Almitak, Alnilam, Minitaka, Aldebaran, Elnath, Pollux

    (redder) and Castor. I had to do some Chromatic aberration correction

    in photoshop. The stars are elongated, due I think to the length of

    exposure (still checking on that). Any comments welcome. Thanks Tony.

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