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Everything posted by Brad_

  1. No worries, I certainly understand the difference. However, in my view, anyone who stiff arm salutes like a nazi, wears/employs swastikas like a nazi, espouses racial purity like a nazi, engages in violence/intimidation like a nazi, is a nazi. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... At the moment (and not to lessen the state of affairs in the 1930s-1940s) it's jut a matter of degree, and is only kept in check by those who pushback. With respect to state complicity, well, currently that appears ambiguous without genuine, forceful, and clear condemnation at the highest levels. I suspect that ambiguity will continue as there are base votes at stake.
  2. Latest news is they've backed down; both in SF and Berkeley. Not shocked. They're weaklings. Probably better for them to stage rallies where there's a decent base of nazis and white supremacists in the area. Geez, what were they thinking coming to SF...
  3. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Obama%20Inauguration%201000.jpg Inauguration, January 20, 2009 • San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2017
  4. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Stroller.jpg
  5. Why would you be arrested? In many years of street shooting, I've had zero issues with the police. In fact, when out and about I've made a lot of portraits of San Francisco cops (and have handed back many prints). Link
  6. Brad_


  7. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/ALcatraz%20sunrise.jpg Alcatraz Sunrise • San Francisco, California • ©Brad Evans 2017
  8. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Last%20latte.jpg The Last Latte • San Francisco • ©Brad Evans 2017
  9. Brad_


  10. Brad_

    Just people

  11. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Portrait%20in%20TL.jpg
  12. Brad_

    Lined up

  13. Brad_


    http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Jerome%20TL.jpg San Francisco, California • ©Brad Evans 2017
  14. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/White%20house.jpg
  15. Brad_


  16. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Primary%20colors.jpg
  17. Question: Why lock your front door when most locks can be easily defeated in seconds (and, there may be easier points of entry around back)? Answer: It may help keep causal/amateur thieves out of your house and stealing your stuff.
  18. You can still purchase Adobe Lightroom as a standalone app. Highly recommended. Haven't needed photoshop in many years.
  19. Brad_


  20. Brad_


  21. Brad_


  22. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Dressed%20in%20black.jpg
  23. http://citysnaps.net/2015%20Photos/Alcatraz%20OR.jpg
  24. Well, according to Adams it was that the released prisoners should not be heading back to the "Little Tokyos" after the war, and instead spread out and assimilate. For me, that's a GTFOH, and none of your business on how people should associate with others (or not) and where they should choose to live. I'm sure Adams went about his project with good intentions and without malice. But he was way in over his head with both his photographs and views as an armchair sociologist.
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