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Everything posted by Rick_van_Nooij

  1. Also have a Leica IIIc and a Contax II in the bag for the weekend and a couple of rolls of Fomapan 100. And an Anniverary Speed Graphic with some sheets of Ilford HP5+. Bringing along an Eyemo 71-Q as well, but I'm too poor to feed it any film.
  2. After finally filling up the roll in the Rolleiflex yesterday, it's time to give the Century 35 that Chuck sent me another try. This time with a calibrated focus matching rangefinder. Already snapped some Easter Egg Hunt photos with it.
  3. Took a while before I filled up another roll of film after a botched one. Shot this yesterday with my Rolleiflex Automat (K4B). The Fomapan 200 Creative emulsion is known for its....meandering quality control.
  4. Deer at the local park, last November. Leica IIIg, Summicron 50/2 and Fomapan 100
  5. I currently have a roll of Fomapan 200 Creative in a Rolleiflex Automat K4B. After that I'll probably give the Century 35 another whirl, now that I've corrected a flipped lens element.
  6. The roll through the Century 35 was a lesson in futility. It appears the focus is WAY off, not just calibrated poorly, but something is seriously misaligned in the lens tube. 😞 Haven't loaded anything else for this week yet. I did pick up another Contax II with 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar over the weekend, so after servicing that I might feed that another roll of film.
  7. Sure, but there's a matter of production numbers and availability at play here and if Oppenheimer was even remotely interested in actually owning an expensive camera. 🙂
  8. From a short hike last saturday Zeiss Ikon Contax I (f, or version 7 if you prefer) Carl Zeiss Jena 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar Fomapan 100 Classic
  9. I've restored a 532/16 with the same problem a year ago. It had stripped gears under winding knob because someone forced the film advance. Luckily I had a spare parts camera with the parts I needed to fix it. But, personally, I find the VERY worst part on these to service/clean and recalibrate are those two wedges in the RF eye up on the lens.
  10. Finally got round to finishing the roll in the Contax I on Saturday. Loaded up the next one for this week/weekend. Chuck Foreman graciously sent me this Graflex Century 35 / Kowa Kallo last month. It was in dire need of some TLC to bring back to life. Let's see what this thing can do.
  11. Couple more from the remembrance ceremony two weeks ago. Leica MD-2, 28mm f/3.5 W-Komura, Fomapan 100
  12. Last weekend we remembered the end of the Battle of Capelse Veer, 79 years ago. Leica MD-2, 28mm f/3.5 W-Komura, Fomapan 100
  13. One of the three working Contax I cameras in my collection
  14. Finished a roll in the Leica MD-2, loaded up my Contax I (v7) for a rematch, since the film got separated from the take-up spool last time. 😉
  15. Couple from a roll I shot with the PEN-F over the last 3 weeks.
  16. Sun was out over the weekend, so I finally managed to fill up the remaining frames on the Olympus Pen-F. Time to load up the next one! Putting another roll of Fomapan 100 into the Leica MD-2. I mounted a W-Komura 28mm f/3.5 on it this time. The 15mm Super Wide-Heliar is too much of a gimmick lens for what I'm comfortable shooting with.
  17. Only filled up half the roll in the Oly Pen-F over the weekend, before all the snow melted. Did shoot a couple of triptychs with it.
  18. Canon Dial 35, 28mm f/2.8 SE, Fomapan 100 Classic.
  19. And, on average, only 2 frames are interesting. 😆 Waiting for the new half case for the MD-2 to play with some more wide-angle stuff.
  20. Finished the roll in the Dial 35 over the weekend. Loaded up the Oly Pen-F yesterday.
  21. Been stuck inside due to the string of bad weather we're having, so I haven't got anything new to share here. Can't remember if I've shared these before here..... From Tanks in Town last year, taken with a Combat Graphic
  22. I agree https://www.aperturepreview.com/kodak-vest-pocket-model-b
  23. Fold out that little metal tab at the front top right of the body in the third photo, this will allow you to pull open the drop bed of the camera. There should be more information on the lens/shutter board inside.
  24. If only the weather would clear up a bit more, so I could actually go out and shoot the darn thing. We've had lots of rain and very little sunshine over the last two months. I've used the Dial 35 before and it has impressed me with the image quality. (So has the Agat 18K for that matter) The grip with the front-side shutter release can be a little awkward and prone to a bit of camera shake, particularly when trying to shoot in portrait orientation.
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