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Everything posted by Rick_van_Nooij

  1. Messing around with anaglyphs, with photos taken last weekend in the WW1 Educative Experience Center. David White Co. Stereo Realist, 35mm f/3.5 Anastigmats, expired Fomapan 200
  2. Spending a weekend in the trenches. And while I do still have another couple of loaded cameras, I'll be shooting a Kodak No.2 Box Brownie model F.
  3. From the last roll I shot over 2 weeks ago at "Museum In Motion" Leica IIIc, 35mm f/3.5 Elmar, Kodak Double-X
  4. Couple more from "Museum In Motion" two weeks ago. Anniversary Speed Graphic, 127mm f/4.7 Ektar, Fomapan 400 Action.
  5. Having another go with the David White Co. Stereo Realist. Loaded with some expired Fomapan 200. Should work better with the thicker carrier of the film than the super thing agfa stuff I used previously.
  6. "Museum in Motion" weekend. It was hot! Clarus MS-35, 5cm f/2.8 Velostigmat, expired Agfa Franka Solida II, 8cm f/2.9 Radionar, expired FP4+ (focus needs to be recalibrated) Leica IIIc, 35mm f/3.5 Elmar, Kodak Double-X
  7. Still have a roll of Double-X in the Leica IIIc with 35mm Elmar from last weekend. And still got a couple of loaded sheet film holders for the Speed Graphic. Going to the annual "British Car Jumble" on Sunday.
  8. Got nothing new to share this week....Haven't gotten round to process a couple of scans from last month. So here's one taken with a Kodak Panoram No.1 back in 2015 at the Passchendaele Memorial Museum.
  9. Still haven't filled up the roll in the Clarus, but I've loaded up 18 sheets of Fomapan 400 for the Speed Graphic this weekend.
  10. Couple more from the Leica IIIg and Summicron.
  11. Loaded this Clarus with a roll rescued from the Signet 40 earlier. Haven't gotten around to shooting it. It's going to be around 30 degrees Celsius this weekend ...pfffff...
  12. If the aperture numbers are United Standard, it should say "US" near them on the shutter.
  13. Well, It appears the Kodak Signet 40's Synchro 400 shutter refused to cooperate properly after about 10 shots. So I've loaded the recovered film in a Clarus MS-35
  14. Also a good idea to seal off the Autographic hatch with electrical tape as these can be a source of light leaks. Be sure to check if the apertures numbers are in either ASA or United Standard (Or Kodak's simplified number system). US 64 is f/32 is "4" US 32 is f/22 is "3" US 16 is f/16 is "2" US 8 is f/11 is "1" US 4 is f/8
  15. Out and about during the Pentecost holiday with my Leica IIIg and Summicron.
  16. No plans for the weekend, but the weather promises to be nice. I'll guess I'll take my Kodak Signet 40 out for a spin. I've also got a roll in a Franka Solida III
  17. Couple more from the Contax D, featuring a CZJ 50mm f/2.8 Tessar.
  18. Heh, you'd be surprised at some of the more creative camera fixes I've done with big and heavy tools, including a blowtorch and a rubber mallet. 😒😅
  19. A little late to the party this week. I indulged a bit over the extended weekend. Finished a roll of expired Agfa film that was in my Contax D, featuring a CZJ 50mm f/2.8 Tessar. Last roll I shot in this camera was Amophot PO 100 Clear Ortho film, and the thick carrier caused some problems with the film transport. Well, I was wrong to think the thin Agfa film would have less problems. Turns out dried grease under the rewind knob was causing a bit too much resistance adding strain to the film as it was being drawn from the cartridge by the sprocket wheel. Causing some scratches on the emulsion and the sprocket holes looked a little stretched. I've re-lubricated the rewind knob and it feels much smoother now.
  20. Shot a bit with my Leica IIIg (and Summicron) over the weekend. Last roll of the expired Agfa film going through it. This film has really annoyed me to no end over the last 6 months. I had issues with the thin carrier in various cameras and the film was hard to spool onto developing reels on warm days. And it took a while to figure out what the best developing recipe was. I did work out solutions for most of the problems in the end, but I'll be happy to get back to Fomapan 100, Rollei Retro 80s and Kodak Double-X
  21. I did. A shame I didn't get that one with the full length of the boom in the frame.
  22. Remembrance and Liberation Day activities last week. Contax II, 5cm f/2 Sonnar, Expired Agfa film
  23. Shot with a Speed Graphic 4x5, Contax II and a Stereo Realist over the weekend during the Liberation Festivities. Currently have a roll in the Contax D, but the weather is not going to be particularly nice for the next week or so.
  24. Out and about on King's Day with a Corfield Periflex, 50mm f/3.5 Lumar-X and expired Agfa film.
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