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Image Comments posted by fhmillard

  1. Stunning tonal variation, especially on floor and ceiling. Compositional POV from stairs is perfect, adding depth and size. I love the walls and arches, and the way lighting on far stairs adds separation of tones. Overall wonderful symmetry is embellished by opposition of people on stairs.


    Great LAB work.

  2. For this pano I synchronized RAW images in ACR based on image at right -- the single image posted earlier -- so lighting would be consistent, saved the ACR settings (DONE button), then created pano in PS photomerge, while in Bridge; then did LAB work in PS.
  3. Thank you all for your generous comments.


    Carsten, here is my workflow to your question:

    1. Open RAW image in Adobe ACR (DXO produces artifacts).

    2. Check histogram : adjust blacks and high light recovery so that curve tails are out to ends.

    3. I adjust luminance NR to 80

    4. I adjust clarity to where tonal contrast "appears" good -- note that blacks and highlights may be affected.


    5. Open image in PS

    6. Image->Mode-> LAB color ---- you do not need to leave lab mode; PS will save file in LAB color space; conversion for WEB is File-> Save for Web and Devices, will convert image to JPG or whatever for posting; I save file, then reduce image size.


    7. Click channels and select Lightness -- image is now LAB lightness b+w

    8. Image->Adjustments-> Shadows and Highlights

    9. S and H dialog: move shadow amount slider to around 20; move shadow tonal width slider to about 30; move shadow radius to about 300; then adjust to suit with slight adjustments; click OK; histogram should be "better" distributed.

    10. Select LAB on channels to see the image with all LAB channels on.

    11. Now make any adjustments as you would in RGB -- some blending modes are not available in LAB.

    12. Use eyedropper tool in curve adjustment layer to select small regions of image you want to adjust.


    13. Sharpen using Lightness channel.


    14. Have fun -- I can't wait to see your results.

    Nube Meditativa

    Must be seen large. Cloud base is wonderful transition between earth and sky; dark sky compliments the lighter earth tones beautifully. I have a wall waiting for this.

    Hartman Rocks

    Carsten, the B+W conversion was TLR platinum toning action applied after the LAB processing -- just like in RGB. I've been reading -- Photoshop LAB Color by Dan Margulis, Peachpit Press, 2006.
  4. Great composition!! Love the framing! I would explore some shadow contrast adjustment; and maybe the whites too -- without blowing out highlights. The gate in foreground needs to 'pop'; contrasting roof and chimney more from house might add more sense of presence to building.


    Just my humble opinion.

    Hartman Rocks


    Thank you all for your generous comments.

    Keith, I did not get closer to avoid distortion at short focal length, since this is part of a 4 shot panorama; taken near sundown, I preferred the lighting at this angle; and a closer shot may have affected background perspective on right.


    Carsten, thank you -- applying several techniques you taught me here; mainly selective levels for fine contrast and lighting adjustments -- the sky was selected and "leveled", luminosity blended. right center and main rock feature given fine contrast treatment with selective levels. B+W conversion was simple TLR platinum toning. Exclusively processed in LAB mode, greater latitude for color contrast (A and B, great for color depth in sky and color toning on rocks and sage brush) and finer tone adjustment in L channel. Finer tonal and color adjustment, IMHO, enhances depth perception, like 3D look.

  5. Fine composition. I do agree with others about sky saturation as a distraction (especially on the right "peak", upper edge obscured by the saturation) -- my eyes are drawn to the sky. Some contrast in the rock might bring out more detail and give more perceptual depth. A B+W would be interesting too.
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