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Image Comments posted by laurentlacoste

  1. Linda, judging from the fact that this must have been taken from the passenger seat, I'm glad to see that you weren't driving that car, were you?


    Wonderful picture. I Love the landscape, composition, light, processing and square format.

  2. A fine portrait, David. I think you really have a way with people and I wish you presented us with more of your portraiture work. Wonderful tones as everybody stressed out. I found Fred's remark about your style and the inclusion of the manequin in the bottom right-hand corner very apt.

    Coffee break

    I've always liked your still life shots very much, Amal. This one is a perfect demonstration of how skillful you are in that domain. Brilliant harmony in tones and color and perfect sharpness and light enhance the composition.

    Men at Work 8

    Thanks a lot Kent, nice reading you here. Both of us have been attending Pnet less thouroughly recently, so it's always a pleasure reading old friends. Hope you've been doing fine.

    Bus Stop

    Jack, thanks. Glad you like this one. Those two women waiting for the bus and standing there in identical postures caught my attention. The whole folder was made on the same day in a small industrial town in northern France. I have many more shots from that day to work on but didn't have the time and won't until the end of August as I leave for a holiday tomorrow. Nice reading you.

    Garbage Can 86

    Drew, thanks a lot. My kids made good fun of me when they saw me jump out of the car to shoot a garbage can down the street. So, it's good having some support on this one.

    Le Paris


    Markku, thanks. I hope your arm heals very quickly and that you're as fit as a fiddle soon.

    Enjoy your vacation. I'm leaving myself for a three-week holiday with the family tomorrow. As to the photo assignment, I'll leave an answer for you after your comment in the referred to folder. Thanks again.


    Drew. Thanks as always. Your visits are always very much appreciated. I can only wish I spent more time on Pnet and pay all our friends here visits more often. You know how much I've liked your stuff since we started out on PNet.


    David, so nice to read you again. The old guard together again. Nice having old friends here. You guys made my day.


    Andrew, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad you like it.


    Pnina, thank you so much for visiting despite my rare attendance on the site these days. Actually, this shot was taken in a small industrial town in northern France. All the factories have long closed and the town is in a sorry state now. "Le Paris", the old cinema, has closed and it has been replaced by a larger multiplex in the surroundings of the little town. The premises are waiting for somebody else to take over, but for the time being the place looks quite desolated there, abandoned in the middle of town.

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