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Image Comments posted by laurentlacoste

  1. Elvis recorded a very nice song telling the story of Little Egypt back in 1964, as part of the soundtrack for a movie whose title was Roustabout. The palmtree is great as an element of decoration one could find in homes and music-halls in the late 19th century. Very well seen Jack. Great title.
  2. Perfect composition. That striking perspective underlined by the lines drawn by the long row of yellow and the windows has great visual impact, echoed by the signs on the right side of the picture. Beautiful arrangement of perspective, horizontal and vertical planes. A winner, Laurent.
  3. So Laurent, are you a Frenchman? Or Swiss?

    Beautiful image, very appealing in its simplicity. I particularly like the presence of the post and wires that seem to respond to the tree and leaves. This is the only sign of the existence of man in an otherwise utterly natural landscape. Very well done indeed.

    City Rider

    I heard on a documentary series on TV I was watching yesterday that people who are attracted by Abstract painting have a special kind of sensitivity that make them react to shape, colour and textures. I'm glad we've found our small group of like-minded friends here. There's much more than a succesful street shot in that image, as Jack remarked.


    A beauty, Jeff. The contrast between the thin bright lines drawn by the weeds in the foreground and the thick dark mass of the trees in the background is succesful. There's the same kind of feeling in the way you treated the image during editing, between the heavy dark tones and the delicate patches of light. That duality gives greater weight and meaning to the image and reinforces the theme of water and reflection nicely. A fine balancing act.
  4. A very nice street shot and balancing act, Pnina. I like how you placed the two characters in the bottom and top corners as a diagonal. It creates a nice opposition with the flat plane composition and the real-life passer-by that walks across the frame horizontally. A nice study on planes.
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