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Image Comments posted by laurentlacoste


    Beautiful. Very classic and elegant in style. Reminds me of those 1950 B&W portraits by the greats who would wander the Jazz clubs and streets of Paris with their Rolleis and Leicas. I love those old Rolleis. I have a few at home and never could get rid of them. Your post-processing job is excellent. A winner.
  1. Now that's serious business. McRitchie's mojo at its maximum. More would be a shame, or extraterrestrial...mojo from another planet, museum from Mars stuff.


    Jack, seriously, this is excellent, wonderful artwork. I think one of the things that can be misleading for our own judgment of our own work is the fact that it is part of ourselves and something we achieve more easily as such.

    No-Mail Box

    You know how much I like your work and wish you posted more often. Looking forward to reading you and seeing your pics! As to me, I'm always wishing there were more hours in a day.

    Mustang Red


    Dale, thanks. I wish I had a Mustang that color too.


    Laurent, thanks for your kind words. Very much appreciated as always. Glad you like the new direction.

  2. This is wonderful. Urban photographic poetry that speaks of solitude and weariness.The ghostly-looking blur as well as gorgeous treatment and post-processing give this shot an unreal feeling that fits the scene perfectly. Light and color are truly beautiful. Love the attitude and placement in the compo of the smaller silhouette on the left-hand side that seem to respond to the main character in a different way, the former losing herself in her cellphone screen, the latter lost in her thoughts, her eyes in the vague beyond.
  3. Very interesting shot, Laurent. The intrusion of the two bulging spots of red in the foreground embodied by the small boats give the picture a very special sense of scale and balance. The slice of complementary green on the left is a nice discreet addition to the scene, echoed by the even smaller one in the background. The white passing sail adds a sense of serenity and nicely cools and balances the whole scene, both from a compo and colour point of view. Again, a very interesting image, Laurent.
  4. It's been almost four years now since we started hanging around and posting on Pnet and I still remember your first posts, a lot of which featured shots of your family. I had exactly the same reaction as David's when looking at this picture of your daughter. Being the father of two young sons myself, I can only agree with Dave's statement. Time flies and our children grow up fast!


    And as far as this very nice shot is concerned, here again we can see a perfectly balanced compo by you.

  5. A street scene that to me works very well, Laurent. I like the inclusion of the sign and palmtrees in the background as well as the amount of space you left around the two characters to make the viewer appreciate the scene and sign the compo with Laurent Jaussi's unique sense of space.. The attitude of the two young boys is very graceful, natural and relaxed. Great colours too!


    I think your follow the light series is among the very best work you've presented us with on Pnet, Pnina. All the pictures in the series have something very special. Wonderful.
  6. The choice of subject, play of light and composition create an evocative view that strikes a chord in our imagination. The beautiful and brilliant post-processing technique that participates in making your images instantly recognisable radiates through the picture and finishes the job wonderfully.


    The experimenting artist always looks for subjects that push the research further and deeper. Wonderful capture, Drew. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and what a light!


    Beauty. The light, compo and colour range perfectly transcribe the feeling of the city by night in a small desert street. Both quiet and always moving or waiting for motion if that makes any sense. The passing car brings that impression perfectly.
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