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Everything posted by panayotis_papadopoulos

  1. <p>You have a very, very good camera to take with you. A camera that needs good glass to adjust it's superior resolution. Kit lenses are a compromise for this camera. Of course if you just shoot for fun or for web use then it doesn't matter that much. But if you're serious of getting pictures and want to take advantage of your camera, then a good wide, or even a ultra wide lens is a must (since as you said from macro and tele you're covered).<br /> If you don't want to buy a DX lens such a the Sigma 18-35 f/1.8, or UW like Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 which are superb for the use you're suggesting, then rent one. FX solutions are more expensive. Good luck!<br /> P.S. Shoot RAW + jpg Fine to take advantage of the Nikon D7100.</p>
  2. Nice portrait of a man who really lived a harsh life as wrinkles advocate...cheers Maurizio!
  3. Welcome to another mystical world as presented by our favorite story teller :)  Great work as always Alf and a fairy tale atmosphere!  Cheers!
  4. All the best in your effort to take care of your lovely shots and everything else you might been into.  Don't take too long to come back though.  As far as your upcoming equipment that you're thinking of buying is concerned, my advice is look for good lenses first and then think of the body.  You already know that of course.  Take care my good friend!  Cheers!
  5. Love it!  I really think it's a great shot.  Very well composed and the coloring is amazing, it kind of remind me "Matrix" situations....bravo, cheers!
  6. Μιχάλη το μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος αναδεικνύει καλύτερα την φωτογραφία σου. Εδώ το μ/α , έχοντας δει τις έγχρωμες δεν μου λειτουργεί τόσο καλά όσο οι έγχρωμες, αν και σαν καδράρισμα μου αρέσει που έχεις δώσει χώρο στον "άγνωστο προορισμό"...Πολύ καλή η σειρά σου φίλε!
  7. panayotis_papadopoulos

    Es Pontàs

    Lovely picture and a very well balanced frame.  Everything works fine and it's a pleasure for the eye.  Cheers!
  8. Very good synthesis and excellent post processing! Cheers!
  9. Superb capture with fine details, looks almost real, great work Tolo! Cheers!
  10. <p>That's a very cool photo Robin, really liked it, Cheers!</p>
  11. <p>Lots of very good advices so far...my two cent opinion<br> 1) Get a good and sturdy tripod.<br> 2) An aperture of f/8 to f/11 will give you the best results in most of the times for landscaping.<br> 3) Use your camera's self-timer to get the picture.<br> 4) Be sure to use the lowest possible ISO setting (depending on situation).<br> 5) Use a good polarizing filter if you are to shoot in a very bright condition, or prefer deep saturated colors.<br> 6) Use your camera's menu to increase color adjustment since you prefer more colorful pictures. Don't overdo it though. <br> 7) If money permits, get a good UW lens such as the <a href="http://www.tokinalens.com/tokina/products/atxpro/atx1228prodx/">Tokina 12-28 f/4</a><br> 8) Most of all, start experimenting and enjoy what you do! We all started from point zero.</p>
  12. Cynthia, having seen the original the first thing that crossed my mind was to crop a little the upper section of the photo. After that I caught myself looking for some space in the lower section of the photography. My eye needed more space down and the immediate thought I did was to imagine how the shot would be if you have lower the camera a bit, giving more space and info into the lower section and reduce the view of the ceiling. Seeing this I would suggest, strictly personal opinion, to keep the photo as shot in the first place. Have a nice day! Cheers!
  13. very nice environmental portrait, good work Cynthia, Cheers!
  14. <p>John and Roberta, I am glad that you liked Bobbie's expression! :) Thank you! Love your shots as well! have a nice day! Panayotis</p>
  15. <p>Hi everyone! Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots! Cheers! [Nikon D700 & tamron 90mm F/2.8]</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Hi Opa,<br /> If you feel that the sales person for some reason was not sincere and straight with you and as you mentioned you're not in a hurry to get a new camera, then I think Shaun has a very good point:<br /> Shaun said: <em>Photokina will be held in September. Most likely, major camera companies, including Nikon, will have a series of new products to announce in July, August, and early September. There is a chance that the<strong> D800/D800E as well as the D7100 will be updated to newer versions with the new Expeed 4 processor.</strong></em><br /> I fully agree with the above and I would suggest you take this under very serious consideration, either you go for the successor of the D800, or a used D800, since prices will eventually come down. Which means that If I were in your shoes I would return the camera back and wait. Cheers!</p>
  17. <p>Good morning everyone and a happy Wednesday for everyone! A recent, rather still life, photo. Love yours...keep them coming! Cheers!</p><div></div>
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