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Image Comments posted by ffrank

  1. Alf.... I started with one pebble at a time but it wasn't filling the space I wanted so I tried two. It took me about 20 tries to get the timing right so the ripples touched. Thanks for the laugh. Synchronized fish.....

  2. Hi Jeff.. Yes it is real. It was completely overcast except for one tiny break on the horizon for the sun to peak through for a few minutes at sunrise. I was able to get just a few bracketed shots before the color disappeared. I've attached a jpeg copy of the original file. Thanks for commenting and it's good to hear from you.

  3. Thanks Mike...... Lately I've been kind of like 10 lbs of S--t in a 9 lb bag.


    Thanks Nadya......


    Hi Stephen..... Glad to see you've been visiting my state. I don't remember seeing your permit application come across my desk ;)


    Thanks Alf.... Glad to see your still looking at my pics.

    Watch Your Step


    Thank you William......... I appreciate the kind words


    Thanks Alf...... I have this in color too but the pea green water overwhelms everything else in the frame.  I wasn't sure about the T shape in the composition either but somehow it works. Thanks for the comments.......


  4. Tony and Anonymous......... When I took the photo it was a very colorful sky. One of the more colorful sunsets I've ever seen. We were blessed with this beautiful sky 3 evenings in a row and I was lucky to be ready for it on the third evening. There was actually a glow in the air that you don't see very often and yes it did impart some of the colors on the small amount of snow you can see in the distance. Snow in the foreground probably wouldn't look as pink but at a distance I can understand it. I used my cameras preset daylight white balance of 5000k and plus 1 tint at the time of capture. Once in camera raw I tried a couple of different white balances by clicking on the snow on the mountain at right with the white balance tool but didn't like the look after doing so. It just didn't look like what I remembered at the time of capture so I ended up processing it at 5000 plus 1. I used ACRs gradient tool to balance the light, added a dose of fill light and a little contrast and clarity. In photoshop I added a little more linear contrast with a curves layer through a mask targeting the light tones. Boosted the saturation by plus 5. That's it. I would be willing to email the raw file to either of you and think it would be fun to see how you would process it yourselves. It might be a good learning experience for all of us. Of course Anonymous would have to reveal his or her identity but I promise to keep it secret if it is important to you. Just email me and let me know if you are willing to take the challenge. In either case thank you for your interest in my photography and also thanks to Tony for all of your recent comments on some of my other shots.


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