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Everything posted by bruce_z._li2

  1. I guess with the nicer classic cameras, the best strategy is to buy the best quality at reasonable price and hold onto them. I still feel lucky to have bought Rolleiflex 3.5F and Leica M3 way before the recent price surge. At that time it was a lot of money for a poor graduate student on research stipend, but now I'm glad I did. I no longer have any Leica thread mount equipment, but do remember how compact and precise they are with the collapsible lens.
  2. There are a few camera technicians who like a good challenge, for example Dan Daniel, who recently CLA'd my Voigtlander Superb TLR. So maybe you want to send an inquiry to him? I have a Vitessa barndoor with Ultron lens, luckily CLA'd by its previous owner two decades ago. It still performs perfectly today. It's a jewel to behold and it produces wonderful images.
  3. The Pony's shutter looks quite similar to the one on the Signet 35, while the top plate looks like miniature version of Kodak Tourist 620 camera. I guess both Anastons/Anastars and Ektars are 4-element Tessars. Like Chuck and RickD, I really enjoy the photos from these little gems.
  4. Oh the "joy" of trimming film for the Leica bottom loaders! I saw you have a nifty metal template, Niles. That would make the procedure easier and more precise.
  5. Just scanned a few color slides from early spring in the Filoli Gardens. Pentax 6x7, SMC Takumar 105/2.4 lens, expired Fujichrome Astia 100F.
  6. @Niels - NHSN Hi Niels, sometimes with the Konica motor drive cameras, the culprit is the black insulation foam underneath ribbon PCB cable connectors inside the camera. I had a FT-1 motor recently, which also had the battery compartment corrosion. But just cleaning the battery compartment was not enough. I have to open it up and clean the gooey gunk from deteriorating insulation. But once all cleaned up, the camera works fine (except the meter in my case). Hope you don't need to do that, but be prepared for it.
  7. @gary green nice results from the Universal Meteor, Gary! It seems like a 620 film cousin of my Agfa Isola...
  8. A few color slides from the past spring in Filoli Gardens. Pentax 6x7, SMC Takumar 105/2.4 lens, Fujichrome Astia 100F. Family crest atop portal Fallen flowers in fountain Wooden gate details
  9. My Voigtlander Superb TLR just came back from a CLA by Dan Daniel, and I went out to try it out. This one has the regular 75/3.5 Skopar lens, added orange filter and hood. Arista EDU 400 film, developed in FX-39 II. Clouds over the library Ciao Italia bunny
  10. Thank you Chuck. By doing projects, I can divert my mind from acquiring more cameras. 😂
  11. Hi Niels @Niels - NHSN, nice and cute Konica Eye there. I really adore those half frame cameras, but find it tedious to finish 72 frames. :-)
  12. @mjferron Really like this series: very clean lines and interesting patterns. I particularly like the first photo with fan, where there is depth and movement. And the Konica II seems to have a good quality lens.
  13. A few photos in my "Looking up in awe" project series. Using Lomo LC-A 120 camera, Arista EDU 400 film, and processed in Adox FX-39 II (1+19 as RickD suggested). First time using this combo: the negative does look a bit thin, so need more experiments in scanning and post processing. Giant oak tree Rising pagota Maple tree
  14. Hi RickD, hope you have a good trip to the wilderness. Look forward to your photos.
  15. Hi Rick @Rick_van_Nooij, I really like the first photo of three officers: it felt realistically historical. I guess the subject matter, your choice of the format (4x5) and the equipment (Combat Graphics, 127mm Ektar lens) all comes together to produce a retro feeling image. Well done!
  16. I went to Kohl Mansion to test out the brand new Lomo LC-A 120 camera. Film was Ilford FP4+, developed in F76+ 1+9. It is the last bottom bit of F76+ which has turned yellow. Seems almost time to start Adox FX-39 II following Rick Drawbridge's instructions. Winding stairs to the mansion West Wing The maze in the garden
  17. Hope it works! Such a nice piece of historical equipment. Always wanted to try the Ektar 80/2.8 lens from that system.
  18. I have been aggressively reducing my small camera collection and abstaining from getting new cameras. But I cannot resist the Lomo LC-A 120 30 year anniversary edition, since I was quite bitten by the smaller brother LC-A 35mm camera. Hope to get some photos to share in the coming weeks. And maybe it will be the prelude to a proper Hasselblad SWC...
  19. As I continue to explore the wonderful world of compact 35mm cameras, here are a few with Olympus XA2 with Zuiko 35/3.5 lens. Film was long expired Elitechrome 100 cross-processed in C41. The setting was Hakone Japanese Gardens. Maples getting red in summer already? Colorful bamboos A quieter pergola
  20. Hi Niels, you have a very handsome Leica thread mount outfit there! I really appreciate their fine quality and compact size, but I got lazy and moved onto M3. Also your Nikon F2 was a beauty. It will pair very well with a 50/1.2 or 35/1.4.
  21. Recently I have been playing with several little guys to find out which one I like most. They are all zone-focus, semi or fully automatic exposure, tiny 35mm cameras that are truly pocketable. And they can produce some seriously good quality photos! 1) Lomo LC-A: lots of charm and character in lens, no moving parts, fully automatic 2) Minox 35 GX (not pictured): high quality engineering, good lens, aperture priority 3) Chinon Bellami (not pictured): good lens, more solidly built, better film advance lever, fully automatic 4) Olympus XA-2: good lens, no moving parts, fully automatic, shutter button lack tacit feedback 5) Ricoh FF-1: my sample has troublesome shutter, to be continued 6) Minox 35 GL: problem with shutter and film advance I do have a Rollei 35 TE with the Tessar lens, but ergonomically it never really gels with me.
  22. Hakone Gardens in Saratoga California was once used as the filming location for "Memoirs of a Geisha" movie. A few 6x12 panorama from my Frakenholga 120 Pan adapted with Schneider Angulon 90/6.8 lens. Kodak Tri-X 400 film developed in F76+ 1+9. The welcome gate Bridge over the koi pond Bamboos and Kiosk
  23. Hi Rick, that lens really sings in your able hands. The images do have that very pleasing "pop"!
  24. Thank you @Mike Gammill, I am 30 years late to the Lomo party but better late than never. Also because all my remaining slide film stocks are quite expired, so might well have the wild colors. They are no longer accurate anyways.
  25. Alviso Marina, Lomo LC-A, Kodak Elitechrome 100 cross-processed in C41 chemistry.
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