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Posts posted by terry_evans3

  1. All of you have been extremely helpful, thanks. I am confident that I could follow any recommendation here and be just fine. Your replies also help me choose among the lenses that others have personal experience with. I know, there's know right answer, I just need to mount something nice on my new D5 and start enjoying it. You guys are great, love your sites. Terry
  2. Does it make since to have the 24-70 and 70-200 as a system? Is it really splitting hairs to do much better? The speed is good, they are both L lenses, the focal length is great. I see both lenses all over the Portrait and Nude gallaries, the images are beautiful, especially your Beau.


    Also, yes Jim you are right. I went from an RB to a Hasselblad, to a combination of an S2 and F100. A lot of that has to do with leaving film for digital. I just wasn't sure. I finally decided on digital. I have been considering the S3, D200, and D5. I decided on the D5 and now I am trying to find the right lenses so I don't go through all this again any time soon. I don't want to buy, sell, and upgrade lenses down the road, I am trying to make the right choice now.





  3. Thanks guys. I was thinking that both lenses would make a nice combination, what do you think? Sean, which version do you have? Should I just get the new version and be done with it? I am a slow deliberate shooter, just wondered if the slower focus old version would really matter. The 24-70 would be practical and the 85 would at least satisfy my want for it. Don't need any of it, it's all for fun. Thanks, Terry
  4. Hello,


    I have had so much help hear recently that I hate to even ask another lens

    question. So, thanks for your patience. I have ordered a 5d and have not

    chosen my lenses yet. Since I am more familiar with Nikon, my head is

    starting to swim. I have searched and read reviews, but am still undecided.


    My intent in buying the 5D is to capture the best posible pictures of people,

    both formal and informal settings. The same goes for the lens, I want the

    best for this particular purpose. My photograhpy interests have been on and

    off for the last 30 years, so I am used to thinking primes are prefered. My

    first thought for a FF DSLR was 35mm, 50mm, and 135-150mm primes. So, I was

    going to start out with the 35mm 1.4 and 135mm 2.0 lenses, and wait for the

    50mm 1.2.


    Today, I looked at as many images as I could in the Portrait gallary that were

    taken with a Canon, especially 5D. I was supprised to see that most were

    using the 24-70, 70-200, and even a 50 1.8. The results were very nice,

    causing me to rething the whole prime vs. zoom idea. This really started to

    frustrate me.


    My favorite lens so far is the 85mm 1.2. It doesn't seem to be as popular on

    the forums, but came highly recommended. Wow, is it expensive! It would blow

    my budget for lenses right now. I am prepared to order one tonight, if it is

    the best choice. Just have shoot with that alone for a while, not a bad

    problem to have. Or, I could get the 35 and 135 and wait for the 50mm.

    Probably even more practical, I could the 24-105mm (?), or a 24-70mm with the

    135mm. Again, I don't mind spending $2,000.00 for one lens if it is awesome

    and add other focal lengths later.


    An opinion from a 5D user with the 85mm 1.2 would be very much appreciated.





  5. Everyone, thanks so much. Today, I did order the 5D along with a 135 f2. The photographer that I bought the body from reccommended the 85 1.2, at almost $2,000.00. I wished I could. My need now is a wide to normal zoom, or normal prime. The chart given to me from an earlier poster is very informative, just wanted your personal opinion. None of the 50mm primes seem to get rated that hight. The 135 was rated a 10, can't really find another 10 to go with it. Thanks, Terry
  6. I just sold an S2, 35-70 and 80 1.8. I had planned on replacing it with an

    S3, 17-55, and 80 1.4. Having the S2, I was spoiled with the image quality

    being so good out of the camera. My hesitation is due to the S3's build

    quality verses the D200. Speed is not much of an issue for me since I mostly

    take pictures of people and portraits. Will I sacrifice that much going to

    the D200? How are the images out of the camera in jpeg? Is the dr still

    good? I also just sold an F100 and loved the way it felt and operated. With

    the D200, I just don't want to become bogged down with a lot of post

    processing with my next camera. Would the D200 and lenses I mentioned along

    with a SB-800 be a good choice for me? Thanks, Terry

  7. I am considering the purchase of the 5D and have concerns about vignetting

    with the FF sensor. How much of a problem is this? How many stops down does

    it normally take to eliminate it? I am a lot more familiar with Nikon

    equipment and this is a huge learning curve. Also, how do the two

    manufactures' lens compare. My normal use of a camera is of people, indoors

    and out. Thanks, Terry

  8. Thank you all very much. When I look at lens sizes for the 5D, it's easy to forget about the FF sensor. What I am used to is something close to 28-35 wide, 50-55 normal, and 135 short tele. I seems like the 28-70 and 135 would cover it. I rarely need a long telephoto. What I want to make absolutely sure of, is that I am getting Cannon's best. Perhaps it's oldschool, but I have always prefered primes. Perhaps zooms have gotten so much better, it doesn't matter anymore. I also want to make sure the wide and normal are sharp stopped down, and the short tele is superior for portraits. Finally, is the D5 with the recommended lenses about as good as it gets for color, dr, resolution, and your choice for portraits? Thank you, Terry
  9. Is the build quality on a 5D wimpy? I saw that mentioned on a review. Being more familiar with Nikon lenses, what would be familiar in quality to the 17-55mm, 85mm 1.4, and 105mm 2 DC. I don't mind staying with primes and would like to cover not too wide, normal, telephoto for portraits. Thanks, Terry
  10. Hello,

    I am not a Professional Photographer, but would like to purchase a DSLR body

    with the highest quality sensor for colors and dr. Would the D2X or 5D be

    good choices? I have been thinking about an S3, but may want a better build

    quality. Is the D5 build about the same as an S3? I have also considered

    D200 but am affraid it is more suited for fast action than color and dr. My

    budget is $5,000 for a body and lenses coving focal lengths of 28mm through

    150mm. Thanks, Terry

  11. Mark, thanks. I have the 24 2.8 that I am getting ready to put on ebay, along with a 35-70 afd, 85 1.8 afd, and 50 1.8 afd. I really thought the lenses were ok until I tried the 105 2.5 ais, now it's hard to settle for less. What are your thoughts on the 17-55 S3 rating mentioned above? Thanks
  12. Edward,

    I love the idea of the 17-55 with 85 1.4 and my 105 ais. That would pretty much be all I need. But, the Nikon lens survey by Bjorn Rorslett rates the 17-55 a 3 out of 5 on the S3, which I thought about getting. He rates it a 5 out of 5 on a D200, my second choice. He does rate the 17-35 a 5 on the S3. I really don't understand the details.


    If my new lenses would perform better on the D200, I would chose it. I am shooting an S2 now and very pleased with color and especially jpegs. I like the build quality of the D200, but am affraid that I will have to spend too much time at the computer processing, which I don't really like.


    This investment is subustantial for me, so I want to get it right.





  13. KLIX, what do you mean by noct? Are you saying that I don't need anything in between the 28 and 85? What are your thoughts on the 50 1.4? Also, are you in favor of primes? I wondered about two zooms, but wanted the best glass I could get for portraits, and assumed it would be primes. Thanks
  14. Hello,


    I want to purchase three primes for a new DSLR. I would like to cover the

    focal lengths from slightly wide to 85mm-100mm. For the most part, I shoot

    informal portraits and historical buildings and old barns, but mostly people.

    I just assume the 85mm 1.4 will be one to get. I have a 100mm 2.5 ais that I

    am keeping, unless there is a better choice then I will sell it. I will use

    these lenses on either an S3 or D200.


    My goal is to have primes that are undisputidly Nikon's best.





  15. Hello,

    I have an S2, which is my first DSLR. I recently purchased a Nikon 105 2.5 AIS

    and tried it on the S2. I couldn't believe how sharp it was, amazing. If I

    decided to upgrade cameras, what could produce results similar to medium

    format. I can't decide between upgrading, or getting a 501cm or Rollei.

    Thanks, Terry

  16. Dennis, I am still getting the Rollei. If the one I have ordered doesn't suit me, Ricky will take it back. I am watching another one in mint condition. Thanks for all of your replies. I am putting together a set of all manual cameras in three formats: 35mm, 6x6, and LF. It's all for fun and something I couldn't afford in the past.


    Ben, what format is the Technika 70? Someone else in a different form mentioned it also.


    Alan, there is a Tachihara on Ebay that I am watching. If you have the time, could you look at it for me? Also, "in the garden" and "after dinner" is exactly what I meant by informal portraits. I could already tell that I was being misunderstood. Most of my photography is slow and deliberate. My youngest child is 18 months, so I keep a Nikon F100 around for him.


    Thanks all,



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