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Posts posted by terry_evans3

  1. Thanks guys, I did have a 501CM but sold it, as well as an RB, and 645. I just bought a F100 and 105 AIS lens and my wife just won't understand why I need another high end mf. They are all just toys, but I love all types of cameras. I won't buy one unless it's almost perfect. I have never had an older 6x6 tlr. I can get an Autocord or C3 in excellent condition for about $150.00 and didn't know which was best. I just don't want to spend the money people ask for a Rolli 2.8, it's crazy. How does a Rolleichord compare with the C3-330? Again, Thanks
  2. Hello,

    I am looking for the most economical way to shoot 6x6 again. If I purchased

    one of the above cameras in excellent condition, is it really that much

    difference in image quality. I miss the 6x6 format and only need it for

    taking pictures of my children. I already have a Fuji S2 and Nikon F100, just

    doesn't seem the same. I can't afford another Hasselblad right now. I used

    to have a Mamiya 645 and RB, but I prefer square. Thanks,


  3. Hello,


    I recently asked for opinions on a portrait lens for my F100. The one that

    fit my budget was the 105mm 2.5 AIS. I just received the F100 and will get

    the 105mm in a few days. The lens was $219 and in mint condition, hopefully

    that was a good deal. Would rather had an 85 1.4 AFD.


    Is using a manual focus lens on the F100 a bad idea? Will I run into any

    problems? I have a nice handheld meter and assumed that I would use it as I

    would on a fully manual camera. I am having company next weekend and want to

    plan to use it for candid portraits of the children.





  4. I just purchased an F100 and want the best portrait lens Nikon made. It

    doesn't have to be AF. I already have an 85 1.8, and 35-70 that I use on an

    S2. It sounds like the 105 2.5 AIS and 135 2 are good choices. I am getting

    ready to start looking and don't know for sure which to choose. Thanks for

    your opinions. Terry

  5. Hello all,


    I currently use a Fuji S2 and four Nikon AFD lenses. I miss using film and

    want to add a film body. Would the F100 be a good choice? I mostly shoot

    pictures of my children and family members. I would like to do portraits

    printed no larger than 8x10, but not sure if 35mm is big enough. What

    differences should I see between the S2 and film from the F100?


    Thanks for your opinions,



  6. Michael,

    I couldn't believe it when I saw this! Thank you so much. I looked for two days and couldn't find it. Have a wonderful day.


  7. Steve,

    Thank you. Also, why is the S2 so poor with TTL? I just bought an SB-80 DX and need to take pictures at my son's first birthday tomorrow. I don't know how to set it up. A manual didn't come with my flash so I have ordered one. Can I just use a Vivitar 285 and set the camera on manual? I toyed with the camera today with the flash set on TTL and the camera on P with either matrix or spot metering. It seemed to work ok.



  8. Hello,

    I am getting ready to buy a 20mm or 24mm for my S2. How important

    is it to buy the D lens instead of just AF? I'm not even sure I

    completly understand the difference.

    Thank you,


  9. Thanks Eric, I am definately considering the 20mm. As far as not needing the D, could you explain that. I have wondered if I really did when looking for lenses. My S2 cd suggests to stay away from non D lenses. Thank you, Terry
  10. Thank you Shun and Eric. Yes, my camera is the Fuji S2. And I guess that I was looking for an overall lens. The 12-24 or even a 20 primary will be good. Do you all have experience with either the Nikon 20mm or Sigma 12-24mm? Thanks
  11. Hello Members,

    I would like your recommendation on the best wide angle lens for my

    S2. I would like something sharp, of course. It doesn't matter

    about prime or zoom, I like them both. Thank you, Terry

  12. Nadine,


    It's good to hear from you. Yes, I sold the Hasselblad. It just got to be too much trouble. Never could find a decent lab. Looked at buying a high end scanner, then had second thoughts. As much as I tried fightint the idea of digital, I ended up with an S2. It has been a good first DSLR and a lot of fun.


    Well, I guess I have three flashes now. I just read three reviews on the 600 and people are complaining about the build quality. If I get it and it feels like plastic junk, I will just sell it on Ebay. I doubt if the 300 would be any different. We'll see.


    Take care,



  13. Hello,

    You all have been very helpful in leading me toward the SB-600 or SB-

    800 if purchasing a flash for my S2. I read a few reviews today

    that mentioned that the TTL on the S2, among other cameras, is not

    all that good and it's best to shoot in automatic. I also read

    where one guy was using a Vivitar 285 on his S2. My question is,

    how do I determine if it is safe to use a 285 on the S2? I just

    happen to have two 285s and if the TTL isn't that good, I may as

    well try to use one of them. Of course, the Fuji manual says only

    Nikon flashes, but if other than Nikon, it must be below 250 volts.

    I looked online and in the manual to the 285, it said nothing about

    volts. I would hate to spend $200-300 on another flash if the 285

    will work as good on my particular camera. I do plan to upgrade to

    a better Nikon body that will justify the SB-300, but not yet.

    Thank you,


  14. Hello,

    What is the best Nikon Auto Focus film camera that I can use my AF D

    lenses? I recently sold all of my Hasselblad equipment to buy a

    DSLR and now miss using film. Love digital, but would also like to

    have an autofocus film body. Would like the one of the better


    Thank you,


  15. Hello,

    I am just learning digital and have a S2. I asked on the digital

    forum about which Nikon flash to get. They advised against anything

    but the 600 or 800, since I do plan to upgrade to a new Nikon body.

    The TTL concept I understand, but which flash works with which

    camera is confusing. Can someone explain the difference between the

    600 and 800 in relation to my S2 and a future Nikon body I may get?


    Thank you,


    Terry Evans

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