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Everything posted by inoneeye

  1. Still waiting for prognosis nearly 3 months after treatment… the side effects still dogging me humidifier mist my nightly companion dried vomit on sidewalk but plenty of time for indulgences… between nodding, pain meds & appts. i started putting together a book
  2. inoneeye


    I see a young dragon. 🐉
  3. inoneeye


    quite the orgy of stone!
  4. inoneeye


    humidifier mist phantasm
  5. it is something else… Ai generated imagery is a new medium. AI has gone far beyond compositing and rearranging images scraped from the internet. The AI synthesized rendering of images made from text prompts and or with your own images can create imagery impossible to capture with a camera. William Mortensen comes to mind I wonder what he would think...? AI has relied on photos and images found on the internet to create the vast database required to feed the neural network that is used to supply training info. & leads to more natural features rendered if desired. Some ai creations resemble a photo and that has caused controversy and some misuse. Bringing the authenticity of calling it a photo into question and debate…encouraging a call for segregation of the ai generated images from photographs. There is room for both. But acknowledgement of the medium is good for both. Even with the inevitable and ongoing blending of AI and photography they are different mediums. Photography is made with light and a capture AI is a collaboration of a computer algorithm and prompts… An AI generated image is not a photo.
  6. Thanks Sam. Hazel Larsen Archer 👍 Linda’s portfolios on her website are also worth browsing.
  7. Eyes and skin texture have been improving very quickly. But hands, feet and often teeth are lagging behind. But soon with enough data to draw from they will catch up. After years of Eldagsen bringing up this topic… he decided to enter competitions. By submitting his image to Sony Boris Eldagsen was hoping to move along the discussion on AI images in the photography world. +1. It seems his refusal of the award has done that. He is hoping to have AI imagery and photographs fall under different labels. “Promptography [ai] is done with prompts. Photography is done with light,” Eldagsen told the BBC. “I think it’s very important to differentiate these [two things] by terms, and then to have an open discussion about this in the photography world. Is the umbrella of photography large enough to say [this type of imagery] is part of it? Because the visual language is the same.”
  8. John my question was why would PN create a space for AI. I could understand if it was about photo sourced AI generated images that some would see as photographic. But not the CGI AI images without the use of photos. As to your question “should PN create a section for AI” …? I would think not for now. This may answer my question.“They will be in bed with Photography in the public's eye,“. I had not considered that people were equating non photo generated AI with photos. For me it is an obvious blending of cgi and ai. At least for now. In time…? And yes there are many to be found on PN that are blending CGI and photography and using some AI photo generated images. So you might find support for a new forum as well as resistance. But probably not before photo copyright issues are settled.
  9. Why would a dedicated photo site open the door to non photographic ai created imagery? Inspiration can be found from images of any medium. The video forum makes sense but introducing non photographic ai does not imo. The question of photo sourced ai is a gray area. The copyright issue is valid and a solid concern for a photo site to consider as a reason to not present ai photo generated images. Maybe in the future when the issue is settled. ? I also like browsing ai work. There are many sites available that offer ai images.
  10. “It’s the machine and human collaboration that produces exciting results—novel approaches and combinations that likely wouldn’t develop if either were working alone.” “As the world of AI and human creativity continue to expand, it’s time to stop worrying about if AI can be creative, but how the human and machine world can intersect for creative collaborations that have never been dreamt of before.”
  11. Odd for me to think of wanting to be able to copyright an AI image that is created by using copyright protected photos to create it by a 3rd party algorithm. "[...]the US Copyright Office is rejecting the idea that the creator can claim copyright on an AI generated image..." The US Copyright Office ultimately made a decision that was a bit more nuanced. For example with text to image AI generated images the text and original elements could be copyrighted even if the final image that was produced may not protected citing "only human-made creations are eligible for copyright." and the statement of policy read. “A human may select or arrange AI-generated material in a sufficiently creative way that ‘the resulting work as a whole constitutes an original work of authorship.’ Or an artist may modify material originally generated by AI technology to such a degree that the modifications meet the standard for copyright protection,” This requires a judgement on their part. The gray area.
  12. Copyright infringement is a serious concern for many photographers. Cases are in the courts now. We will see what impact they have. Reminiscent of the relatively recent issue in the music world with streaming and sharing copyrighted music. Although the music had not been sampled or changed. Now sampling and sharing has been determined to be an infringement and musicians have some protection. I have found some of my photos on websites (including x2 low res for sale) not AI. No credit was given to me. I wish my name was attached but I don’t really care enough to make it an issue. It is completely understandable that others would be justifiably pissed off to see their images being used in this way or finding their work in AI databases. Hopefully some safeguards will soon be in place to choose to remove, opt out or be compensated.
  13. revolutionary - +1... exciting way to look at it.
  14. The Sony World Photography Awards AI creations are part of the current active dialogue of photography. These creations are being presented throughout the photography world. As a tool the creatives are experimenting and exploring new pathways. The question of labeling is as of yet unanswered. Yes there are those who want to suggest that their AI creations are photos they took. But why deceive… take pride and own it as BORIS ELDAGSEN did in the link. In time I suspect it will evolve beyond the debate of authenticity of it being a photo or not. As photo sourced AI and CGI are being blended …(also in the early stage are attempts to create photorealistic faces without sourcing existing photographs in the database)… what is is emerging imo is a new medium.
  15. Of course. But for now some photo sourced images I am not comfortable calling a photo. But I enjoy browsing through them on PN. Photo Illustration, mixed media, AI, etc. are descriptive sub categories.. In time with the help of the labelists we may have new terminology that we can use to sort it out. But I don’t see that obscuring my subjective line to is it a photo. In time I may … but I don’t need it to.
  16. +1. As one who thrives in the gray areas I am happy to let others ('them') worry about labels. As to why I think it is in the nature of many to find comfort in having labels at hand. I think perhaps that what is under surface of this discussion is a question of the boundaries of the medium. We have many photo genre categories but when we question if it is a photo aren't we if fact questioning the image in relationship to the medium?
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