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Everything posted by inoneeye

  1. welcome Poppy, my response was not about me it was where your proclamations took me. In particular your first 2 sentences. The photo you posted did not give your meaning clarity for me. So if you're not pleased with the response we should move on and find others to converse with.
  2. "Heavens to murgatroyd!" Snagglepuss (no AI was abused in this rendering)
  3. Thanks Marc and Ricochet for leaving comments. I thought I had thanked you before Marc but i see now that I did not... sorry but it was appreciated. In fact I thought there might be more responses with feelings similar to what you expressed. Sam's insights surprised me even though it probably shouldn't have... given how well he knows me and my work. But I thought maybe this one would catch him leaning away bit more.
  4. father and bride before for the ceremony
  5. One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are. Minor White
  6. Hi Tom, norman has a blank screenshot of the original image that links to a large blank - by any chance is that the same you are getting? If so I don’t know why. in any case… view on dark background.
  7. I also noticed that if I were photographing the wall there would be a ways to make it more interesting.
  8. When I request a critique it is usually that I am interested in a kitchen table style discussion. Thanks Sam you do have an enviable way with written words. Sam your comments often contain seeds that I appreciate. Counterpoint, somber, tension and intimacy are very interesting seed words. It does help me to hear the words others use to discuss my work. I often come up dry mouthed when trying to discuss my work. Even more so then when I discuss someone else’s photos. I rarely discuss my images in the real world but when I do it is a short discussion that is driven by my asking questions of the viewer. The answers given by viewers often lead me to remembering something you introduced in the past here on a PN critique…. very many years ago you suggested the push-pull aspect to my work. That was a lightbulb moment for me. I had in fact been pursuing that opposition of forces but I had never said it aloud or in my head til you pointed it out. It did not change my work at all but It did add nicely to the discussions I had going forward with others.
  9. Thanks Sam. Yes deeply personal and from the gut…. In that context I am curious why you say instinctual counterpoint ? right side left side…. Perhaps ironically your comment Sam feeds my intellectual and pragmatic need for looking behind the curtain when I say from the gut. I think sometimes seeded in a critique are words and ideas that get buried in my subconscious. This helps me focus, finesse my instincts/gut when using a visual language.
  10. Still waiting for prognosis nearly 3 months after treatment… the side effects still dogging me humidifier mist my nightly companion dried vomit on sidewalk but plenty of time for indulgences… between nodding, pain meds & appts. i started putting together a book
  11. inoneeye


    I see a young dragon. 🐉
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