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Image Comments posted by shotokan

  1. Very nice PT. So many halves here. Light vs Dark, Big door, small door, and the obvious signage. I like the composition and your choice of angle, which emphasizes the shadow. I guess "the other half" of me would prefer the shadows even darker, although I realize this may hide more details in the bricks and door. Well done PT. Cheers, Mark
  2. Not sure what to think, PT. As an image, I quite like it, there is good composition and DOF, and lots that is interesting, including a nice reflection. In terms of theme fit, it would work well for me untitled. One could easily imagine some kind of afterlife of parallel existance theme. Indeed, some of the toombs in the back look like hooded people. Perhaps I'm just thrown off by the title. Both sides NOW, makes me feel like I'm missing a "before" picture, where only one half of the grave was occupied. Sorry If I'm missing the point completely, cheers, Mark.
  3. Well spotted, PT. Not much to say on this one. I like the concept. In terms of execution, colour-wise, I like your second version best. Crop-wise, the original is fine. Cheers, Mark



    Another great concept, PT. No quibbles in terms of theme fit. In terms of execution, however, I'm not a big fan of the graininess in this situation. I guess I imagined a much softer, colder B&W rendition. The graininess here, to me, make the mood lighter, like an old B&W episode of Laurel and Hardy, where nobody ever really gets hurt. But that's just my warped mind. Well done PT. Cheers, Mark




    Very nice themefit. Although very morbid, and has me shivering at the sight of it, it is very nicely executed. As others have mentioned the angle of the shot is very nice.

    Cheers, Mark


  4. Well done PT, this makes me say NOOOOO all the time as well. The theme fit is obvious. This being said, if they are not breaking anything and I'm getting good shots, then it's not that bad. On the technical side, I wish you would have the same composition for both shots. I find the left comp. more pleasing personaly. The lines and textures in the wooden railling are very appealing.

    I think, however, the focus point could be stronger. It looks like the sharpest focus is on the squirrel's hind legs, whereas the front legs and eye are much softer.






    I very much like this shot, Calin. The broken window, is perhaps framed a bit too tightly, I would have liked to see complete arch at the top, and the complete ledge on the bottom. Other than that, I love the shadow cast by the lamp. Altough I do agree with Seven that there could be some more contrast, I find the original version keeps much detail in the wooden beam 1/3 from the bottom, which is something that I quite like. Well spotted shot, Calin,






    Dead end


    Nice capture, Jana. There are a few reasons why the composition works well for me in this shot. a) simple rule of thirds- the front most tree is at a powerful place in the photo, as is the horizon. b) lines and gradients - the trees form a wavy line from the front to the back left, and then there is an obvious blue gradient from the top/middle left to the top right corner. The shadows cast be the middle tres add to the whole shot as well. Very nicely done, IMHO.





  5. Conceptually this works, although I also agree with Dominique's comments. In many ways, using only the bottom left hand corner would make a stronger image, IMHO.





  6. The theme fit is ok for me on this one. In some sense anytime there are two of something there is an "other half". In this case, a tree is not obvious, so showing both works for me. As with others in this folder, there is a nice contrast of light vs dark and more vs less texture. Well done. In technical terms, the only thing I might have done different would be to change the angle the shot was taken at, and put either the light or dark side "up front", and in that sense have "the other half" in the back. The title addresses this issue to some extant, but I would have prefered that PT guide me to which is the other half.







    Very nice idea, PT. I love the concept. There are so many opposite "halves" to look at, colour, facial expression, it is very nice. On the technical side, I would have prefered less exposure on the white side. I find there are too many details lost. Also, I'm not sure if it is intentional, but I'm a little distracted by the white side being slightly wider than the dark side.







    In my opinion, this is a great theme fit. I can imagine all sorts of things, such as "what goes on the other side of the curb..." Technically, I like the composition, and I like the image in landscape. Well done, PT.





  7. Another good shot, PT. I'm not sure if this was a snap shot taken "on the fly", or if you had time to compose carefuly, but I would have prefered not to see the central lamp post. The curved line between the rectangular bricks and square bricks is very nice, and fits the theme perfectly. Although the dolphin shadow is prevalent, and obvious, I'm curious of the title.





  8. Nice, sharp and colourful. I like this a lot. I do beleive this is another case where less is more. I think the logo could easily be recognized even if cropped a little, thus Dominique's suggestion would work well, I think. Further, as was the case in another photo this month, the title need not be so complete: just "Help us find our missing mother" would have sufficed, or even just "Mommy?". In anycase, very nicely done PT.







    Nicely done. Theme fit is obvious. The technical side of this is likely over my head, so I won't comment much. The only thing I might have tried (which may not be possible) would be to have the knob play an actual role in the letters, like perhaps the point to the exclamation mark or something like that.







    I quite like the shot, Megan, but I have a few suggestions. 1 - The image is too large for me to view without scrolling, which makes it difficult to appreciate the entire image. I think the maximum size for an image without scrolling is 680 pixels. 2 - Due to number one, my next suggestion is a square (or nearly square) crop from the top end. I can only see about half the image without scrolling, but when I view just the top half, I find it to be a very strong image. You could even try a verticle flip of the square image, so the wasp would be climbing up (That's just me, I'm not sure it would realy help, but that's how I like the image :-) Well done.







    Very nice composition. The lines flow so smoothly and keep the entire image interesting. The splash of blue light is just gravy. Well done.







    Very nice play on words, PT. I usually think of "the better half" when speaking of my significant other, but this works very well. The image itself is nicely executed.








    I'm just not sure how this works with the theme. The only thing I can come up with is that this is an actual animal skin, and the other half would be the animal. Sorry if I'm being thick, PT, but I don't get it.





  9. I very much like this image, PT. I don't think the upper right is too dark, for me it just adds perspective. The hole in the wall is intriguing. I also like the fact that the light in the picture is on, while the actual light on the right is off. Well done.





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