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Image Comments posted by shotokan

  1. Nicely done, PT. The contrast and highlights are well controlled and the black background is also very nice. I relation to the background, you mentioned you reworked it. I'm just curious if this is the original or the re-work.





  2. Very nice, PT. Fits the theme very well. I'd be curious to know how this was rendered. About the only suggestion I can make would be to have the person in mid-air, as if trying to jump into the door. As is, this almost looks like a quick step away from the door. Then again, perhaps that was the intent. Well done.







    I like this picture too, PT, although I agree with Pnina, that moving it slightly to the left may improve the image. As for the theme fit, I'm not certain. There is enough detail in the clouds to make my eyes wonder, but that's probably just me. The bottom left clound (to me) has a face in it, which attracts my attention. I realize there are many interpretations for negative space. Mine is more like this one . In any case, well done, PT.





  3. I very much like the effect used here. As mentioned above, the highlights at the bottom are a little distracting, as is the top left corner. As for theme fit, I'm not so sure. It could be diffraction by glass, but it could be water, plastic or a strange photoshop effect. Although I have no problems with any of the above, the image does not convey the theme as strongly to me as do many of the others in this folder. Still, a nice image, well done PT.





    The Clown


    Yet another fine addition to this folder, PT. The colours are intricate and add much interest. Not much I can add to what has been said so far. I prefer the portrait orientation to the original.







    Great theme fit as well as nice colours and texture. The very bright area to the top left, however, really grabs my attention too much. Also, I wondered wether a vertical may work here. This is my suggestion. Just a suggestion, as I quite like the original.







    PT, I think I understand your view of negative space, now. I've read up on a few painters who do negative space painting. If they were to paint your image, they would paint the grass on a white canvas, and what would be left unpainted would be the ropes. This is viewed as negative space art, and in that sense, your image is obviously a theme fit. Sorry I spoke before looking it up. Well done, Cheers, Mark



    Just a matter of perspective, I guess, to me all these lines converge to the centre or top corners. :-) As is the case for other images in this folder, I really like the image, but I'm unsure about the negative space aspect. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understood negative space to be relative to something else in the image. In other words, the viewer's eye has nowhere to go other than to the subject, because the rest of the photo is negative space. Here, I love the pattern effect, but my eyes wonder all over looking for something that would "stick out of the negative". Sorry if I'm out in left field, PT. I love the image, just don't see it as negative space.







    As an image, I quite like it. It is well exposed and much detail is apparent. This being said, because there is so much detail, I don't really get the idea of negative space. This is more like a pattern, and I suppose if something very different was in the foreground, it might work as negative. As is, I'm not sure about theme fit.







    Very nice, PT. As Chitra mentioned, the negative within the negative really works well. I also agree with knicki that the light window could be somwhat lower left. The man or mannequin seems a little soft in some areas, particulary the torso and back. Was this due to the subject moving? In any case, I like this a lot.







    Ah yes, someone beat me to it :). Nicely done, PT. The small bright white spot in the lower right is a little distracting, but there may not have been much you could do.







    I will echo the comments made above: beautiful colour, but something missing. For me, what captures my attention is that you chose to make it a square image. There is usally a good reason for doing this, such as increasing symmetry or something. In this case, I can't quite see why a square would work better. In any case, I love the colour and the texture (including the finger prints) on the play doh. Well done PT.





  4. The colours a great, and the subject is nice and simple. I beleive, however, that the photo could have been improved by simply rotating the camera a bit. It seems from this shot, that at least 3 of the ditches could have been made to intersect with corners of the frame. This, to me, gives greater impact to an image. In any case, nice shot.







    Well done, PT. I knew someone would come up with a stained glass photo for this theme. On the tech side, I agree the composition is a bit busy but no too much so. For me what is worse is that the upper most figure is not quite centred, and is just cut off at the top. In this case it makes the window arch look uneven or asymetrical. Perhaps this is the case, but I think by taking the shot from a different angle, and being careful to centre exactly, this could be improved. On the other hand, if you purposely wanted these effects, perhaps exagerating them would help. ie cut off the top figure all the way to the torso, and skew the angle of the shot quite a bit more. I guess the old adage "Make it look intentional" would work here.







    Nice idea, PT. I agree with Jana, however, that the lack of focus near the bottom attracts my attention too much. As for composition, I think something more could be done with the seeds in terms of arrangement. None the less, a good start to this folder. Well done PT.





    If only ...


    Nice image PT. It is a little to contrived for my taste, but that is only me. I like the lighting, but I agree that seeing more of the reflection, which seems to be on a "glass" tabletop, would make a stronger image.





    glass pendant


    As has been said above, theme fit is obvious. As for composition, I have a different suggestion: How about a vertical, with the glass at the bottom 1/3 of the image, and the cord loop perfectly intercepting both of the upper corners. Seems a little glamour-ish, but I guess those photos sell as well. In any case, a good start to the folder.





  5. Very nicely done, PT. Although I'm somewhat of a darkish pessismist myself, I agree with Dominique that having the lighter image on top may benefit the montage, but that is just opinion. I'm also thinking that a similar image might work if the models and the glass were in the exact same position, but only the background changed. On image could then be flippe horizontally, and have the models facing each other, kind of like salt and pepper shakers. Just a thought.





    o [o]


    I can only echo the comments above, Well Done PT. I like Joe's idea of balancing the image left to right, although I can see this would have to be done carefully. I am curious, PT. How does the structure stand? Is this paper, held up by invisible string, or is this a more solid material, like sheet-metal?







    I agree, theme fit is there, and the message is both funny and sad all at once. I think I like the composition as is, since the sign is really the subject, and the people in the background are the poor soul's who can't or don't bother to read. Well done PT. As for the sharpening, I agree ther is a problem. Is the sharpening done in camera? The on-camera sharpening filter is often too harsh and does produce these effects.





  6. Wow, no flip-flops but I assume you can be shirtless or barefooted? Just kidding. Thanks for sharing Dominique. I'm sure there must be an amazing collection of strange "no" signs from around the world. Sounds like a project. Cheers, Mark



    Funny, before reading any of the other post, my first thought was leaving the toilet seat down. Well thought out PT. I do agree with Seven, however, that it is not a universal flaw of man. :-)





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