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Image Comments posted by shotokan


    Theme fit-wise, I agree with what has been said above; not my haven, but I suppose it could work. On the technical side, the exposure has been set perfectly, balancing a "darkish" corridor with a bright sky. Well done PT. In terms of composition, although I like the shadows cast by the table and chair, the reflections in the pool are so nice I'd rather have an unobstructed view of the pool. I'd also like to pan the camera ever-so-slightly to the right. This would have the effect of converging the farthest arch columns into the left side of the photo, and show more of the pool. Cheers, Mark
  1. The theme fit works for me, especially with the title. In terms of asthetics, it's buzy, although that is clearly the point. The only thing I can't decide is DOF. On the one hand I would have liked to see almost everything in focus, thus giving the "being there" effect, and feeling the shimmering leaves in the wind. On the other hand, a shallow DOF adds "mystique" and thus adds to the theme. Regardless, well done PT.Cheers, Mark
  2. I love all that is being said about theme fit for this image. Although I agree that haven and paradise are not the same thing, and I have made that comment on a different entry for this theme, haven applies here for me. The reason being the bench itself. The way I'm seeing this, the empty bench facing a nice view is my haven. On my walk back from a hard day at work, for example, there is nothing I appreciate more. By the same token, if this was shot on a wintery day, for example a bench facing a frozen pond with only a few people skating, and maybe a light snow, that would be, for me, a haven. Just my thoughts, Cheers, Mark


    The colours are great, and the vertical vines right of centre are great in terms of adding to the background. I like the way they from two arches. Good job PT. For me, the use of a flash seems apparent only a bit in the eyes of the lions, but it actually adds to the mood, making the lions look almost mystical. As for theme fit, I don't know enough about the biology of lions to agree or disagree with Jana's observation. Regardless, The left most lioness has one of the best pose depicting cosy, safe, comfortable, peaceful... I've ever seen. Great work PT.

    Rising Dead

    I quite like this. The angle on the rising skull is much more dramatic than a simple full frontal view; well done. My only comment is that the highlights on the right (skull's left) cheekbone may be too strong. Everything else is so well textured that this part seems to stick out. Maybe just have slightly less pressure. Cheers, Mark

    The Mirror

    Persnally I agree with Kevin, from a photo purist point of view, the B&W image is much more powerful. This being said, my wife has just made the comment that the colour version is so lively that you can almost feel music. In either case, the composition is great as is your lighting. Well done. Cheers, Mark



    I have nothing to add to the discussion in terms of the tech aspects of the photo; much has been covered. In terms of them fit, I think I'll venture a guess. For many birds in captivity, the cage becomes a safe haven, and not a prison. One trip to a local zoo or pet store can convince you. In many cases, zoos and pet stores have open cages. The birds are essentially free to fly around. They inevitably come back to the cage whenever they feel stressed or hungry. In this sens, their home is their haven. Is this how you see it PT?



  3. I love this in terms of theme fit. Photo-wise I'm fine with the truncated tree, but I would like to see all of the leaves on the left. As for people, I think I like it as it is, with the empty bench.

    Downy Woodpecker

    Nice shot, I love the colour balance and the look of "intent" on the bird's face. It is very clear you are not stressing the bird in the least. He hardly seems aware of you (Although I'm sure he knows you're there.) Funny how they always manage to hide just a little bit... Cheers, Mark



    Perhaps this is a language issue (English is not my native tongue), but to me this depicts Paradise, as in Bird of paradise, and only to a lesser extant Haven. The large amount of empty space in the photo is indicative of the large environment where the bird and the squirrel live (a very nice place indeed). This being said, I'm sure the bird and squirrel have their own havens somewhere, perhaps even in this bush. I agree with Calin that a different angle would bring both animals in the photo and help the composition. Further from my perspective if the "reverse" angle was seen, it might also show the animals in their micro environment-like havens. Theme aside, the bird shot itself is very nice, and I think would look great in portrait format. Just my thoughts, Cheers, Mark


    PS: does anyone else see the "faces" apearing in the background bokeh?

    S a f e

    I agree with Stephane and Calin more space that would improve the composition, although in all fairness, it may take away from the theme fit, somewhat. Haven, for me, almost implies cosy tight quarters. I also agree with Stephane that seeing more emphasis on the nest would be nice, as in fact, IT is the haven, and the bird is the occupant. Technically, the sharpness and colour are great. Cheers, Mark



    Excellente capture, Marc. J'essaie depuis un bout de temps de faire quelques chose de semblable, mais je ne suis jamais certain quelles lignes devraient converger. Est-ce que les arbres convergent sur la ruelle ou que la ruelle converge vers les arbres? Cette photo est tres bien reussie et m'inspire de reesayer.




    I like the shot, but agree with Andre that seeing only half the sign is slightly distracting. Another interpretation: remove the sign completely. Why advertise haven? I'd rather keep it secret. Nice interpretation of the theme. Cheers, Mark


    The theme fit is quite obvious. I agree with many here that it would probably be more tempting for me if someone else's hand wasn't already there. As for the lighting, it has been discussed that it may be a little too warm. Although I'm ok with the colour, I think the light may also be too direct. Perhaps if it came from the top, casting shadows downwards? Cheers, Mark


    My favorite so far in terms of theme interpretation. The time at the bottom right doesn't add anything for me. Maybe I'd suggest a slight zoom out, and showing of a finger on a mouse button? Great shot, Cheers, Mark


    Great choice for the model and pose. There are many beautiful models in the world, but not all could acheive this look with the chain mail. This pose is perfect. You could easily believe she is a sweet young women, but at the same time is quite capable of wielding a sword, a la Joan of Arc. Great photo 7/7


    I personally like the sense not only of scale, but perspective: I get the impression the sides of the upright beam will never converge. Nice shot.
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