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Image Comments posted by shotokan

  1. Strange how the same image will always strike people differently. I like the colour image most for the same reason Lucy likes the B&W. The green tape does catch my eye first, then leads me to the bulb. Granted in terms of theme fit, perhaps the light bulb should should catch your eye first, but I like this one as is. Cheers, Mark
  2. Very nice shot. In seeing this, I want to get up and dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening... I think the Sepia works better in this shot, as I'd already "decided" this was lit by sunlight, and therefore should be yellow. Well done PT



    C a n d i d


    A great shot, Seven. One can get lost (in the good dreamy way) in so many parts of the picture. Oddly enough, I'm attracted to the floor itself. The cracks, water stains? and natural grid, along with the strong diagonal... so nice. Add everything else, and the photo is that much stronger. I can't say enough how much I like the photo, but you initially asked for the emotion we first felt when we saw the photo. For me it is shyness / lonelyness. This may sound strange as all the children seem to be having fun, but I can't get past the observation that none of the kids are playing together, looking at each other, or even looking in one another's direction. I remember being a very shy, lonely and easily intimidated kid, and it was very easy for me to get "lost in my own world", because then I didn't have to face anyone else. This is probably just the way I see things (leave it to me to find the floor interesting :-)), but it reflects how strong a photo this is. There is something here for everyone. THanks for sharing,





    Great use of light! Before reading any of the previous posts, I had a very different impression on the shot. My first thoughts were of a stage play. The shot is so animated I can almost hear the man, the director, yelling PERFECT, THAT'S A WRAP! :-). I can't think of anything to add that hasn't already been said above. I think this would be a great shot to have in a series of four or five.


    Sorry for comming in so late, PT, I've been away on bussiness.




  3. Not much to say in terms of execution, it is just very well done. I particularly like the corner to corner of the rim. In terms of theme fit, I'm probably trying too hard here, but could it be some kind of cryptogram or something similar? Is this "How it could have been... If my keyboard was turned upside down"?





    Stay pumped

    PT, the second upload is also my fav. Very nicely done, and good control of exposure. Sorry if I'm being thick, but what happened to the tall vertical sign with the #5 on it. Is the second upload simply taken from a different angle, or is it a composite of two images? In any case, nicely done. Cheers, Mark


    Not much more to say, I think the general rule applies here, make things deliberate. Either don't crop any of the sign, or as Dominique said, make a triangle out of it. (Of course then you would loose the word water). Good use of B&W. Well done, Cheers, Mark


    I quite like the background. The dark band gives a sense of division between predator and prey. I would have prefered the light to be different, highlighting the web. I'm not sure the spider is actually there. Is that the spider in the middle of the web, or is that debris? In some ways, the theme fit is better without a spider... How it could have been a) if the fly had not wondered into the web, and b) If the spider was around for a meal. Nice capture, cheers, Mark

    <o o o>

    Although I like the original, the higher contrast version is more pleasing, IMO. There seems to be an obvious clockwise spiraling. The impression I get is of water in oil, like when heated butter starts to bubble. The intricate detail "between" the bubbles is what I like most. Well done PT. Cheers, Mark



    There is definately some kind of a "smiley face", the way I see it. I find this image to be a very pleasant abstract, relaxing colours, yet lots of texture, and you find yourself looking for something you can identify. As I'm writting this, I think I see a frowning face just beside the smiley face. In fact, I think there are a large number of faces! To me the image is rather hypnotic, Well done PT.


    In terms of theme fit, however, I just don't see it, sorry. Perhaps this is a language issue, but I don't get a sense of "How it could have been", but rather "What could this be". Cheers, Mark



    I like the flower colours and the composition, although I wonder how it would have worked as a tight vertical. As for the backgroud, I agree with Stephane, there is something unatural with the colour. I think I'm looking at a cement walk way or a house foundation, but it's difficult to tell.

    I would have prefered either dark black pavement, or a light gray cement, either would give better contrast. As for theme fit, I'm not quite sure I see it. Perhaps Stephane explains it well, If it were a tulip, you would be more inclined to keep it. As it is a weed... In this sense it could have been different for the flower, if it had been a different species? Cheers, Mark



    I'm not sure I can help with technical aspects. In fact I find your exposure quite nice. You have captured the motion very nicely. My only comment pertains more to composition. I find the top of the frame a little distracting. Perhaps a portrait format focusing only on the small waterfalls? I'm not sure this is better, perhaps just my taste. Nice shot, cheers, Mark



    Liquid assets, nicely done, PT. The use of newer and older copper has a very nice effect. It may have been possible to show such a difference with the silver coins as well. The old vs new or shiny vs flat could have been exploited more, perhaps in the "row" of quaters in the bottom left of the frame. To me this old and new are suggestive of constant change, or "liquid" on another level. The arrangement of the bills works for me. Cheers, Mark


    As with the others, PT, I have no real idea what this is. This being said, it seems to work on many levels. The pink/red in the glass fulfills the "liquid" theme, but in addition, the multiple bubbles in the glass itself remind us that glass is also a liquid (albeit a very, very viscous liquid). Asthetically, there is a only a small burnt highlight in the bottom left, which I'm sure could be cloned out. Well done PT.
  4. I love the perspective in this one, PT; Please share your technique later on. The theme fit is obvious, and the title makes it great. Aesthetically, as I'm a big fan of symmetry, I find the white light, immediately to the left of the boat, slightly distracting. Perhaps PT intended it to be the "front" of the boat, emitting it's own light? Well done. Cheers, Mark
  5. Very nicely done, PT. The liquid aspect is apparent on two levels a), the elasticity of the yolk, being pinched by the fork, but has not yet given way, and b) the anticipation of the slow flowing viscous liquid. On the technical side, only minor things: the two-toned plate is a little distracting to me (although there may be some meaning to it that I haven't caught. Cheers, Mark

    stop action

    I agree with Knicki. This is a very appealing photo, PT, but I'm not sold completely on theme fit, yet. As Stephane mentioned, liquid - fluid, could work, but despite the natural "fluidity" it terms of leave shape and direction, I still get a feeling of rigidity, imposed by the surface of the leaves; it still seems immobile. Perhaps a slightly softer focus? I'm torn, softer focus may add to theme fit, but may take away from the very pleasing asthetics of the photo.
  6. The theme fit is obvious, but I quite like it. The title adds to it as well. Compositionally, I like the angle of view, and the funneling effect of the water; Well done PT. There is something on the technical side, however, that bothers me. I'm not sure what it is. The white water does not look natural. Perhaps it is something to do with a flash (If one was used) or maybe something of oversharpening the image (IF this was done). I can't put my finger on it, but the white water looks more like frozen crystaline snow. Perhaps this was intentional, but the problem I have is that this "frozen" look, takes away from the "liquid" theme. Just my thoughts. Cheers, Mark


    very nice shot, Dieter. I is great that you managed to keep the head so sharp with such a long exposure, well done. Cheers, Mark


    I really like the interpretation here. In terms of execution, I love the detail in the water flowing around the fingers, but, I think the highlights near the fingertips are blown a bit. The DOF is great. I am not sure what I think of the angle of the shot. I think I would have liked the shot to be more paralele to the arm. I'll think about this. Well done.


    I quite like this. The theme fit is obvious. The "O" elements creates an element of complexity, in an otherwise simple background. Very well done. My only slightly negative point is that I do find the greenish speck in the centre square attracts my attention much more than it should. Well done PT.
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