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Image Comments posted by aeaster

    Tree in Summer


    This is far more dramatic than the previous version. Good tones and it pops out nicely on my LCD screen.


    The Iron Laws of Photography sayeth "thou shalt never put a horizon across the center of the photo," and "thou shalt never put the subject in the center of the photo," and furthermore it commands "thou shalt never put a vertical element in the center of the photo."


    Laws are made to be broken.

    Gerber Daisies


    Good work Tim. I am happy to see you working in 4X5 now.


    But do not get discouraged with it. By that I mean large format is a lot of work. It takes a lot out of you working so slowly and carefully trying to produce a photo reflecting what your mind's eye sees. But the hard truth is not too many people in these digital days are going to care. It can become frustrating when you pour yourself into your unique creation only to get some stupid comment like "you should use your sharpening tool" or "why isn't it focused correctly?" --that sort of thing.


    I find this unusual perspective on the old Hurricane to be quite interesting. The forshortening does give a sleeker look to her, like she is indeed ready to leap off of the tarmac.

    Waco 10

    August, I was just about ready to offer my highest regards to the photographer for making a modern shot with the genuine look and feel as a classic vintage shot, (such things being quite rare these digital days). The I looked at the name and saw it was indeed by Mr. Kamm and "from the time."



    If the model is beautiful by her own definition, then that works for me as well. Kudos for you as the photographer for showing us an alternate version of glamour. Kudos to the model for being who she wants to be.


    My very highest regards to both of you!

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