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Image Comments posted by aeaster



    I grew tired of the whole rating lottery and opted out of it entirely. If not, I would have given this a well-deserved 6/6.


    But you have to understand Bryan, most people on Pnut now think traditional B&W is so uncool, so 20th Century -- especially if they think you just might have made it with a piece of film. Too cheap to buy a real (i.e., plastic) camera. How much more uncool can that get? Besides; don't you look around to see what the masses rate the highest here? If a floral, then it has to be the most hyper-saturated, perfectly sharp close up with perhaps some bug on the petals.


    I am glad to see you making real photography. Please keep it up. But it will seem very lonely at times.


    This is the best portrait that I have seen here on Pnut for a while. If I had not stopped participating in that stupid ratings game I would have given this the 7/7 it deserves.
  1. Such a shame that there is only one F9F left in flying condition -- that would have made this fly-by even better.


    (Four days later) -- But wait; that's not really a F4F Wildcat, that's a General Motors built FM2 Martlet. There -- now I feel like my old self again!

  2. I like this Pat. The angle accents the 1930s quirkiness of design. But I can't say I prefer the color scheme to its peacetime livery; yellow or gloss hunter green. Did you happen to see Ian McKellum's version of "Richard III" made about eight or nine years back? Good close-ups of the Rapide in that film, and an excellent modern retelling of The Bard's tragic History.



    I think it would be impossible to take a bad photograph of Kira. She remains one of the most photogenic models ever to grace this website.


    Superb artistry my friend.


    Thanks Scott. Just the ticket to brighten up a drab day! But I reiterate -- I think you are doing great with this fresh approach to your portraiture.



    That is how it looks around my place this morning.


    I didn't know about PhotoPoints before you came over here. Now I am moving my portfolio to over there. They seem to be a little more film-friendly that this ratings rat-race.


    Kira looks entirely different this year; much better without the Bettie Page bangs. You can tell her I said so. And I might add that this is the best portrait of her that you have shown. I like the direction you seem to be heading into. I likewise hope that you will post more images from this shoot.


    If I had not just given you a 7/7 a few minutes ago for another portrait, I would be giving you one here. So; no rating, just because 6/6 isn't high enough for this magnificent work of fine-art portraiture.


    Scott, it has been far too long since I have had the pleasure of commenting on one of your unique portraits -- I think you may have still been shooting Kira at the time. One thing that attracted me to your work was your quirky compositions that still celebrates the extraordinary beauty of ordinary women. This fine portrait is classic Scott West. Keep doing what you do best and keep bringing a smile to my ugly old face. My very best regards.



    This is a scary looking woman. I have always believed that the only difference between a Marxist and a Nazi is what they call themselves. Strip them of their self-defining labels and they are just mirror images of each other. This very emotive (if somewhat frightening) photograph is a perfect illustration.


    A strong and iconic work of photojournalism. My highest regards.

  3. After reading your technical notes I realise why I am a fan of your work -- we have similar techniques! In my case it is usually under-exposure and over-development. I like to tell people it's just my artistic style. But I neglect to tell them that said "style" is really just my darkroom ineptitude.


    I think the word for this is "serendipity".

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