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Image Comments posted by aeaster

  1. I like this a lot Kellen. Maybe a little too much backwards tilt, but that might be an optical illusion caused by the tree.


    Good gloomy photo. A good rendition of the age and decay and the transitory nature of anything made by the hands of man.


    This series of yours really does need to be seen in its entirety to be appreciated. Each individual photo is only part of the whole grand scheme.


    Good work Kellen!

  2. I disagree Kellen, leave it be as it is.


    The dynamic entry of the two blurred children add movement to an otherwise static composition. The secret to the success here is Jack the Dripper himself. I don't think this serendipitous juxtaposition would have worked out quite so well if you had shot this in front of any other painter's work.


    The more I look at this the better and better it gets. There is no way this deserved even a single 4/4.

  3. A very interesting photo Mr. Pearson. I have not been up to Philadelphia in many a year, but if I ever do get the chance I will most assuredly visit this magnificent old warship.


    I do know something about her though even without resorting to Google. You are correct that she served in WWI, but that was not her greatest claim to fame. No, the Oly had her moment of glory in 1898 as Admiral Dewey's flagship at the Battle of Manila Bay during the war with Spain.


    Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe she is the oldest cruiser left in the world, older even than the Aurora in St. Petersburg, Russia.


    Ah, how I would have liked to have made this shot with one of my old 4X5 cameras and a piece of Ilford FP4 B&W film. But even with your modern gear I think you did very well.


    Take care. Nice portfolio by the way.



    It is very sad that Polaroid will soon cease making this wonderfull Type 55 Positive/Negative film. It was getting so expensive I only allowed myself to buy one box of it last year. But there is nothing else like it in the world. We are witnessing another passing of an era I fear.


    It is also a sad commentary on the level of fine-art appreciation here at Pnut. That a fne work of photography can sit here overnight without a single comment is unbelievable!

  4. I like your framing here. Is this the Munsters' family country estate?


    I think that a dead-center subject is often death to a composition, and the Seventh Iron Rule of Photography states as much. But then I also strongly believe that a genuine artist is someone who knows just when to break the rules.


    Count yourself in the ranks of the genuine artists.

  5. It is a pleasure to see such artistry.


    Print this one Kellen. Seriously; get it just the way you think the print will come out perfect and make yourself a physical copy. Print it and put it in a frame so you can hang it on your wall.

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