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elaine marie

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Image Comments posted by elaine marie

    "Baby Grand"

    Anne,Adorable picture, reminds me of a series I have in my portfolio of my grandson on the piano.Same thing he doesnt bang he plays the keys, but he does also like to climb as you can see in one of the pictures. Adorable chubby little fingers you have captured.

    Anne, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your time and wisdom that you share on the wedding board. I follow your posts closely and have learned so much from you. Thank youElaine Marie



    She is indeed a beautiful baby. It seems to be underexposed a bit. I brought up the contrast a bit and did away with the scratch and the drool.


    Elaine Marie





    Hi welcome to photo.net. There is lots to learn here and lots of nice people to help you along the way. I have learned soooo much from the differant forums. I checked out your portfolio and web site. Nice work, hope to see more of you here.



    Elaine Marie



    Beautiful job Amber. What a cutie he is and boy does he have some blue eyes.Really nice and clear and bright.I love looking at your work.



    Elaine Marie





    Hope you dont mind me doing this one also. How are you converting to black and white? It seems to be leaving the image very flat with no contrast. I use the gradient map in adjustments to convert. Than I adjust the levels to bring up the contrast. To lessen the catchlight in the eye I simply cloned a part of the eye over the light to make it smaller. I also burned in ever so lightly around the eyes and lips to make them stand out more. Let me know if you have other questions.


    Elaine Marie

  1. Karl,


    Beautiful child! Wonderful crop.I hope you dont mind that I played with it in photoshop. It was screaming black and white to me, but than again all pictures do. First I sharpened it a tad,converted it to black and white and reduced the size of the catch light in her eye.



    Elaine Marie






    Sweet tender moment. Hope you don't mind I played with it in PS. I lightened it and sofened the edges. Hope to see more of this beautiful baby!



    Elaine Marie




    No offense taken..I love constructive critizism. This was a film image scanned to cd thus the low quaily when enlarged.I love this capture so much I just had to put it on but yes, it does look horrible at the larger setting.

    Thanks Elaine Marie

    Fall Football...


    Jason, Very nice capture. Your boy is turning into a handsome young man. It seems to be a little out of focus which only bothers me in the eyes. Did you soft focus the picture? If so I would focus the eyes only 100%. Other wise very nice.


    Elaine Marie

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