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Image Comments posted by distantvoice



    I do not agree fully with Jeff. The dark clouds work as a curtain here, they provide a perfect frame for this wise composition and for me they do not constitute any disturbance really. I would even amplify the vignetting which is visible here, but that would create a little bit surreal photo, so maybe it is better to leave it as it is - a perfect aesthetic photograph with original idea behind it. Congratulations.



    Nice composition and colours, but look at the portfolio of Jay Patel and see how a more interesting evening light could improve your photo. It is a perfect location for surreal photo landscapes.

    .The Stone Roses.

    It is a beautiful photograph, but I would straighten the horizon. Also as the colouring gives this photo a special mood af abandonment, I would think of colder palette, I mean I would add more blue to the whole photo except the flower. But on the other hand not everyone likes this kind of digital manipualtion. Anyway - very good work.

    Caught in flight

    Very strong photograph. It stands out in your portfolio. But I agree with Greg as far as the crop is regarded. Try cut out some from the right and make it almost a square.

    Blue Night

    Very nice colours. I have tried long exposures with my 5D on Santorini also and the results were satisfactory but of course not as good as yours. Anyway the composition of the ice in the foreground against the mountain and its reflection is perfect.
  1. Maybe I remember it differently as I saw it only in the sun and this was apparently quite a cloudy day - guessing from the sky. Anyway, I wrote about this evening special mood as I was there at that time also, but unfortunately without my Canon 5D and having only Powershot A700 in my pocket. Regards.


    Marc, yes this was a magic moment and you captured it very well. You know my reservations concerning your defining shot philosophy but these recent photos are your best arguments. It is a piece of art without any question, light is simply beautiful. I am enchanted by the mood of this photo, it evokes the atmosphere of the late afternoon in the forest at once. I wish to be in your photograph now and warm my face in these last sunbeams. I wish to hear the stream and the birds. Thank you for sharing this moment with us.
  2. Great photo of a great place. I wish I travel there in future. Very interesting colouring (these different shades of cyans), I would try a vertical shot with the right half of this picture and a second one - more abstract - with the middle part. Now it is a little bit unbalanced as all points of interest are on the right side.
  3. Too much magenta here, Miles. Red beach is red but not that red ;-) . The photo should be corrected more carefully. Nice try with the composition, but I would turn the camera to the left a little bit because the fact that the peak of the triangle formed by the rock over the beach is cut out is disturbing. Red beach has its atmosphere after 18.00 when it is completely empty. The umbrellas against the red rock give many photo opportunities, the light can be magical at that time. Regards, Michal.


    Nie gustuje w takich cyfrowych kolazach, ale ten jest swietny. Moze perspektywa jest tu ciut za bardzo przerysowana i dlon na pierwszym planie troche rozprasza, ale dynamika, przestrzen, ulotnosc spojrzenia modelki, piekno - to wszystko cudownie splecione jest w tej kompozycji i naprawde wciaga odbiorce w swiat Twojej wyobrazni. Gratulacje.
  4. Troche niedocenione zdjecie o wspanialym klimacie. Swietny kompozycyjny pomysl na portret. Niemniej jednak calosc nie trafia do mnie. Jest to rzecz jasna wylacznie moja subiektywna opinia, ale uwazam, ze nadawanie zdjeciom glebi poprzez tytuly niezrozumiale w kontekscie tego, co jest przedstawione na fotografii, nie zmusza w istocie do myslenia, a niejednokrotnie ogranicza nasza wyobraznie. A tak w ogole, to mimo tego, ze domyslam sie, o co tu chodzi, uwazam jednak, ze bez tych butow na pierwszym planie i z ostroscia ustawiona na chlopca bylaby to o niebo lepsza fotografia. Tak czy inaczej - obraz powinien bronic sie sam i tak w gruncie rzeczy jest w tym przypadku.



    Piekne zdjecie. Umieszczenie zaglowki w prawym gornym rogu moze sie w pierwszej chwili wydawac bledem, ale w istocie sprawilo, ze wzrok wedruje w dal, gdzies na obrzeza kadru. Odczuwamy przestrzen, tak jakbysmy stali na brzegu tego jeziora. Piekne stonowane kolory, urzekajacy nastroj spokojnego wieczoru.


    Nice colours, subtle light and composition, splendid sky (I can not understand why you regard this day as dull). But the image is quite noisy and soft. Go there with tripod again as the place is worth a more careful approach.
  5. Very nice, really. Intersting flora provides beautiful foreground. I have my reservations about the background - the mountain looks unnecessary - next time move it to the left and out of the frame ;-) . And seriously, without the mountain it would be better balanced, but is very eye-catching and well composed as it is.
  6. Each of your recent works is very imaginative, your ideas are original and brilliant. I will rate this photograph 7/7 (if you bother this play with rates) and there are really a few other landscape photographers active on photo.net that have got such rates from me (Eric Fredine, Gerard Laurenceau and sometimes Marc Adamus).


    This image is so mysterious, there is much space for imagination in it. The colouring is as usually just beautiful. You have your own pallette which is rather warm, always very pleasant to watch (it is good that you do not saturate your images as much as before). The composition is straight but that is good for me too. Dynamic composition would ruin the climate of this picture.


    I have only one reservation, this image looks quite soft. I even began to like this soft pleasant look, but a little more sharpening with small radius restricted to dark tones (this may be achieved with layers or with PS CS2 smart sharpen tool) would be great. Regards, Michal.


    Ile razy zagladam do Twojej galerii, zawsze znajduje cos ciekawego i wyjatkowego. To zdjecie jakos przeoczylem, a jest swietne. Jedyna wada - troche zanadto wypalone swiatla, choc pewnie nie dalo sie tego uniknac. Oszczedna kolorystyka, moze nawet warto bylo w ogole zrezygnowac z koloru, ale to kwestia dyskusyjna. No i pomyslowa, zaskakujaca kompozycja. Choc niewiele jest tu pokazane, sugestywna atmosfera tego kadru oddzialywuje na wyobraznie.

    Desert Light

    Magnificent work. Strong yet subtle colours and lines that lead us to the distant mountains. Congratulations, it is your best photo up to now. Regards.


    Joan, you controlled depth of field perfectly here but that it is not a surprise considering your skill for macro work. Unique colours. One of the most eye-catching images in your macro folder - it has its own special atmosphere.
  7. Camilo, I am not fully convinced by this picture. Composition is ok and as usually you have captured magnificient light here. But I think you have overdone with filtration. ND Grads are necessary of course, but this image look artificially - like it has been produced from two separate ones. The top is much too dark. Sometimes it works, but here I think it kills the mood as the top is dramatic and the bottom rather calm. This parts of the photograph just do not work together, they rather fight with each other for the viewers' attention. Remember this discussion about the Photograph of the Week by Dave K? The composition there was perfect but strong filtration made it questionable for many viewers. Regards, Michal.
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