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Image Comments posted by distantvoice

    Terre di Siena 9

    I once photographed a similar scene near San Quirico d'Orcia, but your photograph is much better. Nevertheless I see the same limited DOF that I have in my pictures. I think that this technical "imperfection" with which we have to live at these focal lenghts adds to the composition in this case. Nice colours and light. Regards



    Ciekawe ujecie, "grozne" chmury przykryte polowka nadaja temu zdjeciu specyficzna atmosfere. Ladne swiatlo i zgaszone kolory.




    Interesting one. "Menacing" clouds darkened by the ND-Grad give this image a special atmosphere. Nice light and muted colours.



    Swietne zdjecie, szkoda, ze widac te slady na sniegu (to Twoje?). Piekna mgla - widze, ze ten pobyt w gorach byl bardzo owocny.




    Fine photograph, it is a pity that the traces on the snow are visible. Beautiful mist.

    Oak Tree

    Derek, nice shot. Jaya has tried to kill it by his basic levels and hue/saturation "correction" but fortunately we have an original. I would crop it from the right though because these piles of straw are distracting. Maybe some subtle colour shift would be good too, but generally it is a nice image as it is. Regards.



    Bardzo udana kompozycja. Usunalbym w Photoshopie te boje, bo ta czerwona kropeczka troche rozprasza.




    Very good composition. I would remove in Photoshop the tiny buoy in the distance, because this red dot is a little bit distracting.



    Robert, swiatlo pierwszorzedne. Swietna, subtelna kolorystyka. Co do kompozycji - nie jestem do konca przekonany. Linie, ktore tworza swierki oraz wystajace ze sniegu paliki (pienki?), jakos ze soba nie wspolgraja. Sprobowalbym zabiej perspektywy i szerszego kata, tak aby konstrukcja na pierwszym planie (do ktorej bym sie zblizyl) wypelnila co najmniej 2/3 wysokosci kadru. Albo zmienilbym format na kwadrat kadrujac z prawej strony. Tak czy inaczej bardzo ladne zdjecie, im dluzej na nie patrze, tym bardziej mi sie podoba. Biorac pod uwage Twoje portfolio na pewno nie mozna powiedziec, ze Ci "sie trafilo". Pozdrawiam, Michal.




    Beautiful light. Magnificient subtle colours. But I am not fully convinced with the composition. The lines created by the spruces and the fence do not work together. I would move closer to the construction in the foreground and try a lower and wider angle to fill the frame with it or I would crop the photo from the right to obtain a square format. However it is a very nice photo, which appeals to me more and more.

  1. Wolf - very good composition here. I would also darken the sea but not as much as Kim did as I like the contrast between the boat and the water. Your version has more feeling of space in it, I think. Very good.
  2. Here is our Epilobium I guess :-) . The white sky here distracts me a little but it is a good photograph. I would come back to this place in the evening to get more interesting sky. The trees make a very natural and clever frame here.
  3. I see that you must have cropped this one strongly because it is not as sharp as it could be, but the colours are beautiful. I would crop it from the left to get rid of the trees as the others have suggested.
  4. Wolf, it is a splendid and very original photo. The composition is considered and striking. It is simple but it evokes many different emotions. For me it would be nostalgia - it was my first thought when I have seen this. Congratulations.
  5. Wolf, I have looked through your portfolio and have seen some great photos which I am going to rate or comment. But this one in my opinion has many weaknesses which are somtimes present in your other photos. First of all we have strong contrasts here - I would use a strong (0.6 or even 0.9) ND Grad Hard to cover almost whole scene apart from the bottom right corner and so make the exposure longer and get some details there. Then the composition lacks the foreground - some point or line which leads our eye to the view in the distance make such pictures a lot more interesting and appealing. When I make such photographs I always search for something in the foreground, use a wide angle and frequently prefer vertical composition. And finally I do not like the light and colours here, particularly I do not like cyan skies - when I get them in my pictures (it was quite frequent when I used Velvia) I do everything to add more magenta to the cyans. But that of course is a matter of taste.


    And by the way - did you use a polarizer here, the sun was on your right side so I think the effect of a polarizer could be more pronounced - it would be good for contrasts too.


    I think you aimed to show this interesting cloud formation and you have succeded here, but the whole photo is a material for B&W conversion rather or should be post-processed more carefully. Here are my propositions, I hope that you do not mind that I have played with your picture 8^) .

  6. Beautiful and clever photo. I like the colours. It is fine that you have not saturated them too much (sometimes you overdo with this). Being in PN for nearly two months I have given two sevens to six photos only. Three (with this one) are yours. What can I say - your portfolio is outstanding.
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