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Image Comments posted by distantvoice

  1. I am not fully convinced by this one. It is too dark on the left side, but the main problem is the location of the sun. Breaking the composition rules does not work here, I think. On the other hand the clouds form a beautiful arc now. Very powerful and aesthetic image, but could be cropped (from the left) or maybe shot vertical and some steps closer to the yellow bushes in the foreground. (5/5)
  2. Nice image. The sky is marvellous but the beach is a little bit boring. I would try to get lower before shooting and make a vertical composition to show some little stones or shells as a very close foreground. Anyway, nice attempt (A5/O4)


    Bruno, the composition here is right. The sky and the grass are not the most important elements. And this 1:2 proportion is like breaking the rule without breaking it as the boat which is the subject of this photo is placed carefully where it should be. As the composition is regarded I would rather try a different angle and make the boat break the line of the horizon - it would be more original and dynamic solution. I personally do not like the colour of the grass which is over-saturated. The photo is striking but the colours are so strong that it could not be watched as long as it deserves. Anyway, good job (A5/O5).


    It is a kind of flower picture that I like the most. A flower is treated as an abstract beautiful shape. I have been thinking about shooting different species that way and I will realize this. Perfect light and colour (A6/O6)

    Metlako Falls

    Craig, what can I say. Definitely it is a picturesque place and you have shown this with the aid of your camera almost perfectly. One thing that distracts me a little is the fact that the waterfall is so close to the tree on the right. When we forget about the third dimension for a while it looks like they are connected. And as the waterfall and this tree are the strongest lines in this photo the composition suffers a little (these lines do not work together very well). On the other hand if you had moved left with your camera the waterfall would have been obscured by the branch. Not an easy choice, really. Anyway it is a superb photo.
  3. Craig, thank you for your answer. I have just visited your page and browsed through your portfolio. These photos are really stunning, especially the mountain folder. I promise to rate them and write some comments about them. I am not as advanced and successful photographer as you are (I am going to create my portfolio on photo.net during this week) and my opinions may be of little value, but for me it will be a pleasure to comment these photos.
  4. What do you mean by "matching the original transparency" when you use digital camera? Anyway, I think matching the original transparency does not make any sense at all. We should rather match the reality or our dreams - something which is really worth the effort we put into picture making process.


    This picture looks a little unnatural. The use of ND-grad is OK, but you should have been saturate the reds less and make the whole picture a little colder; that is if you had been looking after reality. Natural or not, the reds are too strong for my taste and the bottom part of the picture could be a little darker (maybe 0.9 ND grad is too strong here). But you have really managed to convey this atmosphere of an evening in high mountains. Very nice (A6/O5).

    wind roses 3

    Aykan, please, let this photo be the last sunset photo with windmills on photo.net. I am getting a little bored by these. First was ok (A5/O5), but I think you should pick the best one and leave the rest for some silhouette fans.

    Blue Dreams

    This picture looks like an illustration from a fantasy novel. It is a proof that the reality can surpass the most beautiful dreams. Splendid. A7/O7 without any doubts.
  5. In my opinion it is a perfect place (and frame) for a "different seasons" or "different times of a day" project. It seems to be an isolated place and/or you have managed to create such a feeling. Try again with different light and sky - I think this place deserves more shots like this. Nevertheless this is a kind of landscape shots that I like the most. The composition here is neither obvious nor boring and your decision to exclude the sky (which is still present in the picture) was right. Good work. (A5/O5)

    Little Town

    Beatiful composition and light. Simple but nice border which adds even more mood. I especially like the shadows on the grass and the fact that the valley leads us towards the light in the sky. Splendid, moody shot with tasty colours. (A6/O6)

    Splash !!!

    You were very lucky. Not only have you frozen this duck in such a position, but you have also got its head and the majority of these tiny droplets sharp. Everything is perfect - composition, light and even background which gives desired contrast. Bravissimo (A7/O6)
  6. What this image lacks is composition. But this photo conveys an atmosphere of the place, and the fact that it is a little chaotic serves well here. It is an image of the kind I want to shoot in the nearest future. Did you use a tripod here? Where have you made this one? (5/5)
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