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Image Comments posted by asafrye

    the wire


    it says, whatever has grabbed their attention has completely removed concern over the dangers of that wire! (a potential ouch! situation)

    absolutely adorable children! (are these yours Parvin?) nice shot! its a fun one for sure. . .i find myself for the moment not worried about the wire either. . .although, as a parent i know i would/should be (but what do parents know about fun anyway, right! : )


    i like the originality, composition and use of light, only the model from waist up is competing with the bright window lights; i like the effect of the lights though; i wonder if an additional source from above (bounced flash maybe?) could help; overall very well done!!


    this image is powerful with emotion; the hands contribute largely to establishing the mood and the lighting is perfect in my opinion; i like it!

    miss nitu-2

    Parvin, the only difficulty i have with this photo is explaining why i like it the most...i certainly like the composition, the model's expression, the natural tones...but there's something else...(silence...still looking)


    beautiful! in every way! at first, i too thought it could use a crop from the top when looking at the larger image; but when i look at the thumbnail, it seems to work for me; as is, it gives a better sense of the size of the window; if anything, maybe a little less crop on the window side to completely show her left hand?


    cool! interesting how the converging shape of the dock guides you from the foreground to the background and back again to the boat; both are interesting; a boat "portrait" and landscape combined in one photo; love the colors; nicely done!

    Model on Stairs

    well done. i'd say your day started out just right! nice lighting. is this natural light only? i like the way you've used the power of her eyes to draw in and hold the attention of the observer. i also like the placement of her arms with hands outside of the frame -- it allows for continuity to the surroundings and gives a sense of open space despite the close crop which excludes all else from the background except a narrow section of the stairs.



    this photo was taken many (maybe twenty) years ago using a Minolta

    x-570 that I'd just purchased; my model was a good friend and

    co-worker who also had a good sense for composition; the idea for the

    photo was entirely hers; as a new photographer, I focused mainly on

    not missing the "good" shots

  1. Two natural beauties capturing each other. . .what a great idea! Congrats to you!! I only wish I knew how to say it in Spanish (or Portuguese? or what's that language you're writing in?)



    Absolutely lovely picture! I'd love to "GO" there to "get away" from workplace drudgery as often as possible!


    If I may chime in on the DOF discussion, it seems to me to be a case of semantics; strictly, both William K and William W are using the term incorrectly. Although it's clear to me what William K is articulating, as Clint points out, depth of field is controlled by the photographer by aperture or lens choice and can be shallow or long; its a term which characterizes the entire photo, not subjects within. To limit the term to photos with shallow depth of field is a misuse.

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