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Image Comments posted by asafrye

    Still raining ?


    I can't tell if the guy on the left is pointing to something on the other side of the road, or if he's extending his arm to feel the rain fall on his palm as though the torrential downpour enveloping his entire body isn't enough to convince him that it's actually raining. That's a lot of rain! And it's amazing there are no water drops on the camera lens. Was it taken through a window or from within some protective canopy? Well done!

    Moving waters


    I like the way the foreground ice appears to illustrate frozen motion of water, while the water fall in the background accentuates water movement in a perpendicular direction. The background has a dark overall tone while the foreground delivers the icy highlights. This image has a real yin-yang balance. Well done!

  1. maybe there's a little too much of it. . .perhaps you could use a little less exposure so not to wash out the colors in the glass; I think the overall dramatic effect would still be the same
  2. superb capture for both you and the bird! (it's eye caught yours) and i like how the tones of the lower part of the background closely match the birds own tones, except the whites of the bird's feathers are sufficiently brighter and so strongly stands out

    The nun


    A self portrait? Impressive! Not sure I like that everything on the left seems to disappear completely, but somehow the photo still remains balanced. Excellent work! Congrats


    I like this composition. It could be my monitor, but it looks like a very high contrast image. It would be nice to see more into the shadow areas.

    Solar System

    Hi Rudy, I like this image. I wonder if you considered and/or tried different lighting angles to reduce the size of the shadows from the orange and plate? I could be wrong, but they seem to subtract from rather than add to the impact of the image. Just my two cents ; )
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