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Image Comments posted by asafrye

  1. i love the title! my first thought was that it looked like the travelers had quite a distance to travel; the composition gives the sense of great isolation; the mostly undisturbed snow and the tree give a since of deafening silence! great impact with simple content. . .fantastic work!!


    A powerful image. Technically/aesthetically excellent. I'm afraid to ask to what loss is this sadness attributed? I could never be a photojournalist.


    wow! this is wonderful! I'm with the "no change" crowd. There aren't many colors in the original background so the legs already pop out quite well!


    As I move forward in my "photographic adventures" today, I find that it's photos like this (done at a time when I understood less about photography) that I'd like to capture. In this case, I think it was as much (or more) about the moment than the level of skill that made the photo successful.


    this is a beautiful portrait; no doubt the model has stunning eyes - you can see this also in your b&w portrait of the same model; I think you do a great job in both cases to capture the power of these eyes; I also like how you've framed the image; the colors are perfect; I'm not sure if the model is wearing much make-up (other than around her eyes ; ) but this photo says "natural beauty" to me; very nice!


    This photo was taken during the last 5 minutes of the bout. She delivered the final "power jam" that delivered a single point victory for her team!! She fell to her knees afterwards, cheering in tears!



    with overcast sky, photo taken using red2 filter with exposure set to

    place background shadows in zone3; Plus-X developed with 1:1 D-76 @

    22°C for 9½ min; printed using Besseler 23C on Ilford MGIV RC (normal

    grade) developed in 2:1 Dektol, then scanned w/ HP Scanjet 4890 and

    PS'd for contrast adjustment and dust clean up; then uploaded to

    p.net. . . whew! whaddaya think?


    I don't care for the 3/3s. I'd like to hear from the helpful patrons

    of p.net so that perhaps I can learn and get better. The actual print

    is kinda flat. I'd like to get the print to look like the PS'd

    version. Any ideas?

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