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Image Comments posted by james___


    It was a nice idea but your technique failed you. Repreint it. Not enough separation in the tones. Flat tonal range for the tones present. Not enough distinction in the subject. James

    Two doors

    There were at least a dozen good images in this photo but this isn't one of them.The light is wrong. The doors are centered. It is out of focus and tilted. The color is washed out. James

    Rusty Pipe

    As a color image, this is just a run of the mill image. Take the time to get all the debris off the subject before pulling the trigger. It's distracting. As a b&w abstract which would have been much stronger, the same goes. James


    Is this computer enhanced or is she masochistic? That's got to hurt. Does nothing for me. What a waste of money. Nice color though. Velvia? James
  1. David, maybe it's the scan or a computer artifact but this is out of focus. And with LF you should be able to get everything in sharp focus. Nice idea but the poor focus ruins this image. Nicely lit. A little more light from the top would have helped. James
  2. David, is the print brighter? I like the hint of a leaf between the blooms. But I really would like this print to have some life. It just sits here. The flowers are very muted and flat. Not much shape to them because of the lighting. Callas should be shimmering white. If you want them muted, then shoot and print them with a high value but with lots of grain like a lith print. They should still be printed as a high key. Just the flowers. And the leaf needs more prominence but with a lot of contrast. It woyuld have a shine and add the critical third element here. And the flowers are separated too much. The right hand flower crowds the frame edge also. Look at McSaveney or Cy DeCosse. James
  3. David. Nice image. Great pose for this model. I like everything(except the low key printing)here. Great model. Nice balance. Good lines. Nice shape to the belly. Nicely accentuated too. Very Hamiltonish. The print could have been spotted to smooth the blemishes or freckles on her face. Overall a very nice image. Can it be lightened? And print her hair with a really hard filter. Really throw some sparkle into it. James
  4. You had an idea. It's been done a million times but that doesn't matter. At least to me. I like b&w nature anything. But what happened here? White spots on the leaf. Nice try at good tonality. But it fades from focus near the camera. These type images have to be sharp. Sharpness really counts. This fails. Shoot it again. James
  5. Very nice image. A little lighting of the dark corner would help. Like bright areas, dark areas within light hi key images is distracting. But just soften it a little. And I would also like to see the unsoftened rendition of this. Very soft and soothing image. Nice color pallet. Lots of emotion here. Congrats. James
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