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will king

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Image Comments posted by will king

    Yulong river

    A color cast usually bothers me as well, but for some reason I think it works well with this image. I've see this type of image a lot here lately, but not captured this well. My only feedback would be to leave a little more breating room at the bottom so the raft isn't so close to the edge of the composition.


    Thanks guys. I wish I had someting in the shot for perspective, like a tree or better yet a mountain range, but had to deal with just a gray gloomy sky. I have a few shots of the eagle right when it took off from the tree branch. Not as sharp as this one though.

    Secret World


    This is a beautiful and the composition is great but the overall feel is dull. This seems like you've captured it properly but the post processing you've done on it makes it flat. Here's the photo with a little more pop.

  1. Marc, fascinating photo. The tricky lighting situation gives this a vignette. What was your reasons behind getting the 16-35mm II, since you already have the 17-40. I had the 16-35mm I and got rid of it because of heavy flare. I find the 17-40mm handles flare much better.

    Window Light


    Kelly, man you have the wrong attitude. I'm a huge fan of Todd's and Marc's work as well, but they don't make me want to quite. I look at their photos and think that I'll be that good one day. Unlike what most people think, photography ain't easy. Most people think that they're a photograher because than have a camera in their hands. WRONG! It probably took years for Todd and Marc to get as good as they are now. Give yourself time. You're not going to be great over night. I look at some of the photos I took just one year ago and think "Wow, that sucked. I'm much better now."


    As far as bodies are concerned, if I had to pick one body, hmmmmm. Hard choice. I would say the 40D but the 5D and 1DMIII kills it when it comes to noise. I like the 40D because you can mount a 10-22mm EF-S lens on it and go ultrawide and you can also mount the 400mm on it and get more lens than a 5D and 1D. As far as image quality goes, I would have to say the 1DMARKIII beats out the 5D. The little noise is just incredible. But if I were to recommend a body for you, I would say go with the 40D. From what I've seen of your work, you don't really need a high ISO. Just makes sense for you.


    Don't quit!

    Window Light

    Thanks Kelly. I almost always shoot in AWB and adjust WB in RAW or use a gray card. The 50mm f/1.4 is an awesome lens on the 40D for portraits. I like it better than the 85mm f/1.8 on my 5D. But my favorite is the 135mm f/2 on my 5D. As far as focusing is concerned, when I'm working with adults, I use the center focus point, lock, and recompose the shot. If I'm working with kids or any other subjects that can't hold still, I usually use the top focus point because I don't have time to lock and recompose.



    Al, I'm taking your request to heart so hopefully you won't be offended by my feedback.


    You have a very adorable model here. My son's about her age and he won't stay still long enough for a photo.


    The overall image is flat, speaking of tonal range. In other words, it looks dull. Not her fault. She looks like she's full of life. To make this better, you need better light. To give the image depth. Also, it looks like you're shooting down at her. Try getting on her level.


    This isn't perfect, but this is what I'm talking about when I refer to depth.




    Great smil and expression. Composition could be a bit tighter to emphasize her great eyes and smil. Also, in my opinion, the tonal range is a bit flat. you could do a levels adjustment just to make it pop a little more.

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