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will king

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Image Comments posted by will king


    John, I have to agree with Sean here. The smaller version looks good, but once you view the large version, it becomes very obvious that this image suffers from what looks like camera shake. The exposure came out excellent. Very realistic. Just keep in mind that when taking several exposures for HDR, a sturdy tripod and a cable release are a must.
  1. Thanks Lou Ann. What I did in this shot was take two exposures at the same aperture. I metered for the sky and metered for the foreground and took the proper exposure for each. Of course I used the tripod and a cable release to keep it sharp. I then blended the exposures in Photoshop using layer masks, thus creating one image with high dynamic range without the HDR washed out look.

    Hang 10

    Thanks Chuck. I was watching a show called The 808 about a group of local guys taht surf. Have you ever seen it or heard of it? I'll have to send you an email a few week before coming out there so I get soe good directions to get to Pipe.

    Hang 10

    Thanks Chuck. This was near Sunset Beach, I think. It was taken last January. I'll be back this January. Hopefully the waves will be bigger. Any competitons going on in January?

    Hang 10

    Thanks all for the comments and feedback. Mingo, I appreciate the feedback, but I would have to disagree. I do think that a vertical crop works better than a horizontal crop here. A vertical crop, in my opinion, emphasizes the surfers unnatural position.
  2. Looks like a beautiful scene. The exposure is well handled. The composition could be improved. It also has a washed out look to it. Boosting the contrast and perhaps color correcting could really improve this.




    Your best work yet Kelly. Looks clean and sharp. Just nit picking but the hot spot on her hair clip could be a distraction. Probably could be fixed in PS with the clone tool.


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