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Image Comments posted by dora



    A dramatic capture.  My first thought was cutting out some of that blank sky but it seems to be needed to call attention to the birds and to maintain the mood. Some nice sea action.  This might also work in black and white.

  1. I agree with all previous comments.  An excellent artistic presentation.  It reminds me also of a relief.  There is also a nice vintage or antique feel to this - a parchment unearthed from some ancient culture,



    I find the wire here very distracting.  It might have been better to focus on it as you did with the goose capture. I'd also like to see more of the turkey in the frame.  Definitely an interesting subject; nice detail and colour.

  2. Of the photos in your portfolio, this is my favourite.  The focus is very good, producing sharp detail especially on the edge of the leaves and the water droplets.  I like the way the focus fades at the back of the main leave, giving a depth to the photo,  The light plays well here also.  Beautiful work.

    Using a Coolpix


    A neat candid - a good example why the camera should always be with you.  Beautiful colours.  I like the diagonal positioning of the two monks.    In addition to these guys behaving like typical tourists, I also get a kick out of the socks and footwear  I'm used to seeing monks in bare feet or sandals at the most.  (Thanks for the tip re the "share " button) 

    buggy problem


    And like a true photographer, instead of saving the cherry tomato plant, you first took a picture of the bug.  Good choice!  You really got an great close up of his choppers - looks like he's savouring the thought of his first big bite into that stem.  Good detail on the pads of his feet also.  The light works beautifully here as does the dark background.



    A beautiful animal - representative of the Middle World (earth) in the Inca culture.  A nice crisp image; excellent colour, light and detail.

  3. The mothers are killed; the babies captured and sold into the pet

    trade. Sometimes poachers are pursued by police and throw the baby out

    a car window to get rid of the evidence. Other times gullible owners

    soon find out that wild animals don't usually make good pets and

    dispose of them. The objective of the Tierra Hemosa Animal Rescue in

    Puerto Viejop de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. is to help these abused

    animals recover and return them to the rainforest. Her name was Lola;

    she didn't survuive.


    Suggestion welcomed. Thanks

  4. Hi Mike and thanks for taking the time to be so detailed.  This is a timed self portrait, so I was sure the woman would sit very still...lol.  It was taken in the rainforest of Costa Rica in a small cabin - the tripod was already up against the bed.  As for lens ... well, I'm always annoyed because I brought too much to carry  or annoyed because I left too much in San Jose ...lol. You know how it is,  Thanks again.

    Regal in White


    I truly believe the white peacock is more beautiful than his colourful counterpart.  Nice focus on the head; interesting where the light is concentrated but it works.  In full size, the feathers give this a wonderfully mystical feel.  Interesting fringes of colour picked up from the background as well.  A very successful capture.

  5. Super light, colour and detail.  I feel as if I could reach out and touch these,  The three colours work well together.  The blacked out background also works well. here.  An excellent still life.



    Tornado and earthquakes - I'll take the blizzards of The Great White North any day.  Picking the toilet as subject here leaves open so many possible one line comments about the storm and its destruction, making this an excellent documentary capture.  You've isolated it well from it's surroundings while still emphasizing the total destruction.  I'm just wondering if it needs to be off center a little more.

  6. Yes, this definitely needs to be viewed large to see what a fantastic job you have done on her expression.  I can almost feel her anxiety.  The car puts this moment into context.  Excellent candid.  It might work also in black and white.



    I agree with the previous comment.  The background is an excellent choice; well focused and composed. Beautiful light and colour. I find the frame distracting.    For the wall, I would mount this as simply as possible. IMHO, this is a strong, beautifully executed still life and deserves the viewer's full attention.



    I like the diagonal composition and the fading focus.  Very nice colours.  My only suggestion is that you might  try for a little more detail on the masks.  It's always difficult on white, especially if it's also shiny.

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