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Image Comments posted by dora

  1. This was taken from a boat circling the Isletes Ballestas, a bird and

    sea lion preserve off the coast of Paracas, Peru. We were permitted

    to go out to the islands - which are really just jagged rocks

    protruding from the sea - but not allowed to land. The boat was small;

    the sea rough. This was down to the camera. Everything on automatic,

    shoot and pray.


    All critiques welcomed.

    Macaw I


    This one has so much potential. It's focused.  On the original, I'd start by cropping out the lines at the top and the swing.  Lighten it. Too bad about missing the tail  but an excellent capture anyhow.

    I hope all of this has been of some help to you.  I wouldn't be spending this much time on your photos if I didn't believe you have potential. I'll be watching your portfolio and expect to see some super posts once you've perfected some of the technical aspects of your camera and photoshopping.  Good luck.  Dora

    Behind Bars


    I like this one very much.  There's that "eye" talent shining through again. I agree with cropping out some of the house but would not touch the wonderfully grained wood.



    Pretty much what has been already said except I am not that distracted by the water's edge.  You seem to have an eye for composition.  That's talent.  The rest is technical and can be learned

    I've played with this a bit.  When you drop the contrast and lighten it a bit, you have very good colour and feather definition. The focus is not quite but very, very close.  Composition sings.


    Hunting Dog


    Hi Alex

    Again, it's out of focus.  Use automatic focus, steady hand, pay attention to the red dots in the view finder.  Get that right, then go to manual focus after that.

    Macaw I


    Hi Alex

    First, you're 16 and you have time on your side so far as perfecting your craft is concerned.  You have a good entrance level camera and you need to learn how to use it if you are considering wildlife photography. Magazines like National Geographic do not allow photoshopping.  By the time you get to that level you will have much more professional equipment.  But for now, you have the right camera - you and it need to be on the same level.  I am in your portfolio now and see some very encouraging captures. But this one is out of focus and over processed. I'd suggest you begin with perfecting focus.  Steady hand, steady camera and pay attention to those red dots inside the view finder.  In the case of birds, go for the eye.  Get your focus right on the eye.  Okay? 

    The thing I really like in this capture is the diagonal composition.

  2. Hi Chris.  So nice to see a familiar face here!

    His face is much better appreciated on large. He has a neat Elvis thing going on with his lower lip...lol.  His eyes are just enough averted that he doesn't appear to be looking at the camera. Very nice black and white with a good contrast and tonal range.  I'd assume that in the colour version the feathers stood out better from the background.



    They always look to me like they are singing.  I have a similar one in my "Humour" folder. You've done a better job.  On my monitor, I would take the contrast down just a little.  But on your monitor it may look fine.  I really like the fins under water and the ripples in the water itself.  Overall, a very successful capture.



    A very dramatic effect with the trees silhouetted against a very strong sky,  The gnarled branches are a huge plus.  I agree that the black blob is distracting but that could be cloned out.  Attached (I hope) is a hurried bit of cloning - not a finished effort but just to give an idea of what could be done. 





    So glad you have these in "new images".  It's so difficult on this site to figure out what's new, especially when someone has hundreds of posts.  You caught the sunlight here beautifully; it's hanging so nicely on that mountain peak.  The reflection is super.  Love the little pink cloud.  We all need little pink clouds in our life, don't you think?

    House on Tisnes


    Yes, I think it's good.

    Power lines always ask the question as to whether or not they should be cloned out.  You might want to consider including all of the reflection and more on one side  to have the house a little more off  center.  I don't know if you had the power pole in the original photo.  If so including it in the crop might justify the power lines.

    Those are just a couple of suggestions.  Overall this is a very good capture; the blues are wonderful.  There's some nice bits of shadow play.  The hazy mountains in the background are a nice touch.



    Well, actually, I think you have allot going on in the foreground.I really like that lone tree and the splash of light over the mountains.  IMHO, it needs to be cropped either at the top or the bottom to get the mountain range in a better position.  It would be a trade off.  Either compromise that tree or the ridge of pink light over the big cloud. Personal preference: I'd sacrifice the cloud - crop it down from the top, leaving only enough so that the presentation is not too square.  That would emphasis the wonderful light you have over the mountain and keep the whole tree which is a huge plus in this capture.





    This is a flower that I  see often in Latin America. It always works beautifully against the sky - this is no exception.  The silhouetted hummingbird in flight is a much more rare and exciting capture.   The two together work beautifully.  My first thought was that this would be better in portrait rather than landscape format but this is a somewhat daring choice and it seems to work so why mess with it.

    Super capture!





    A very nice wildlife capture but  I would really like to see it without the frame or the frame made allot smaller and not bright yellow.  The frame almost prevents the eye from getting to the photo and when it does,  the yellow is still intruding on actually "seeing" the capture itself.

    IMHO, without the frame, this would be  a very good capture with an excellent head-on POV , nice separation from the background and an intriguing play of light.

    A Little Master


    His intense expression is excellent. Good separation from the background.  The two blurred figures in the background are nice pluses for putting the boy in context. Good colour and light.  On large, I detect a slight graininess on his face. 

    Over all a very good capture.

    The sellers


    The first thing that strikes me in this capture is the strength and dignity of the older man.  He seems to be challenging the camera with his direct eye contact as well of the body language of his right hand.  I get the feeling that the other fellow is a bit of a hustler - he'll push you to buy something whether you want it or not.  He's not interested in you because you're not going to buy anything.

    So you have captured these two not as faceless venders but as two individuals  

    This is an excellent street candid, giving us not just a moment in time but a glimpse of two real people  with thoughts, feeling and lives beyond what they do to earn a living.

    You have separated them well from the background.  The only thing I wonder about is the fellow in the background that seems to be looking at you as well.  IMHO he intrudes a little - doesn't quite stay in the background where he belongs.





    IMHO, viewed large is a must with this one  to appreciate all the contributing details that makes this a fantastic capture.  This crop (framing) directs the eye so nicely.  It also create a tranquil mood and makes this "pretty postcard" a pleasure to look at.  Both light and colour are excellent.

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