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Image Comments posted by dora

  1. He's wearing the water like a cloak - super action.  Excellent  "expression"even though his face can't be seen - all in the body language.  This works well in black and white. 



    I'd be interested in knowing this location - it reminds me of Buenos Aires.


    The red and white carriages are in excellent contrast with one another. Some nice colour in the deep background as well. 

    Horse portrait


    I can see why this is a favourite.  The photoshop work is excellent.  But there is also something very gentle in the horse's expression - if a horse can have an expression. 



    Can you tell what I'm suppose to do with that "Title" thing above????

    I haven't seen this one before now.  Love the "rainbow"sky.  Beautiful foreground.

  2. I like this POV very much.  I'm not sure about the tilt but  I suppose if a guy was running to man that cannon, this is pretty much how he would see it. So I think it works.  I will be interested to see other comments.



    I agree with Raymond - looks like it might be a lens flare.  Otherwise  an excellent composition.  The light works beautfully here, especially as it trickles down this side of the dune.



    This looks so cold and the expression on his face says it all.  The wind blown snow is a big plus.  A beautifully composed candid.

    Red Sky


    So nice to see he has something to do...lol.  I love the colours here; very nice lines and designs in the background.  The placement and tilt of the plug really works!



    Very nice selective focus to create an almost 3-D effect and make the one bloom king of its world.  The water droplets are a nice bonus.



    This works beautifully in black and white. Excellent play of light and shadow. The expression is perfect and there is a delightful sense of movement.  Very well done!

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