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Image Comments posted by dora

    zen sea


    The muted shades of blue and  purple are excellent and a necessary part of the peaceful mood that you have created here.  the diagonal leading lines of the dock pulls the eye toward the horizon and beyond. What a wonderful place to just sit and meditate.  



    These are pitcher plants and they are carnivous. They collect water and drown insects that fly into the pitcher and then can't get back out.  These ones are slightly different from the ones I see here in Costa Rica.  I have attached a photo of the Costa Rican version




    Thanks for the memories.  It's been a long time since I wintered in Barra and bused to this beautiful town on a regular bases.  The various periods of architecture displayed along the street in the background here and throughout the town were amazing.  You have a beautiful POV  here.

    Red Lacewing


    Love this composition.  The fan of wings compensates beautifully for  his head being almost center of the image.  The surrounding flowers are ideal and the diagonal from wing tip to wing tip also works beautifully. I like the DOF as the top most flowers recede into the background.   On my monitor, it could use just a touch more contrast.

  1. Very nice feel of movement; the intense interest in whatever is to his right is great.  Generally this gives the impression that this big cat is hunting in the wild somewhere



    Well, it downloaded pretty small and I didn't spend much time with it but is the result here more what you are looking for?  I tried just a touch more contrast and at the ame time lowering the brightness. I think you might also have to lessen some of the sharpening at an earlier stage of processing.

    I find these guys really difficult to photograph.  I have tried them in different lights without a high degree of success.  You have done very well here.



    Jogging in style!


    That is really quite the jogging outfit but at least she's jogging.  A unique capture indeed.  I like the expression on her face - you can see the effort and the determination.  Good definition and very nice separation from the background.



    I know exactly what you are talking about.  There are different landmarks that I have photographed in all possible lights and from all possible angles and nothing really works.  You have managed a  surreal affect here.  I sense a foreboding - no way I'm taking a step closer to that tower!

    Not sure about the frame - it seems a little thick to me.

    In Flight!


    Excellent  wild life capture.  The flip at the end of his down most wing gives a good sense of movement.  Nice focus on the head and good detail on the neck feathers.  Some more feather definition would have been nice but you have to take the light as you find it in this kind of shot and unfortunately here it was behind the eagle.  But what a thrill to get a shot like this in the wild!

    Twilight fury


    Wow, this is cold! I feel the need for a jacket.   This is one of those captures where it is likely best to ignore the rule of thirds because it would be a shame to lose very much of either the sky or the fore ground.  If I had to chose, I would opt in favour of the foreground, cropping it just below the first big black cloud.  Although the sky is very impressive, I find myself drawn to the beach and the super detail there.  I like the way the light is striking the wet sand and how the patterns seem to radiate out like the spokes of a wheel.

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