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Image Comments posted by nanette

  1. I don't think you need much of the floor in this shot. The locks, grafitti and signs on the door are interesting enough for me. The stuff on the floor is just blown out and uninteresting, aside from the empty cup. Looks good in B&W but might interesting to see in colour if the colours are vibrant and varied.


    A higher horizon would create a more dramatic image. I don't like that I can see the lines of the parking spaces and the curbs. You have a fairly decent reflection in this shot though.

    Cape Cod

    The fence shadows falling on the sand create such interesting lines. I think if you got down lower and allowed the lines to become more predominant would improve this image. The sky and water don't do much for me in this image either, I think it's all about the shadows here.
  2. I thought this was a grey card at first. The negative space doesn't do much for me in this shot. I think you could crop everything out but the boat and make a nice bookmark out of this image. I like that you can see the individual men on the boat, you definitely clicked the shutter at the right moment in that case.
  3. I like the idea of this shot but think it needs some improvements. First, I like the shapes of the lights (and especially the fact that they're hanging uneven). The red cloth of the table provides good contrast to the pool balls and I like the composition. The shot can be improved (in my opinion) by having the balls placed in position for play, without the triangle and not against the edge of the table. If you wanted to be particular, you could also arrange the balls, so that the numbers are showing and the high and low balls are alternating with the eight ball in its proper spot. I know I'm being a bit picky but I think it would create a stronger image. I'd be interested in seeing this shot again if you chose to redo it.

    Dawn serenade

    This image tells such a wonderful story. The tones in this shot have a great range. The composition itself is good too, I was torn on whether I would have cropped right on the frame of the poster or left some of the wall above it. There seems to have been some alterations done on the lower right portion of the picture (the floor is blurred in areas) but I don't think that it distracts from the image, just something I noticed.
  4. I am a big fan of spiral staircase photos, even though everyone seems to do it. I never get tired of them. This is one of my favourite shots from your portfolio. I think the zoning is perfect. I like how the image moves from light (on the preimeter) to dark (in the centre), and gives a 3D effect. From previous comments I understand that you had some restrictions in composing this shot. The only improvement that I feel could be done is to crop a sliver off the top to get rid of the tiny black triangle in the top left corner and the white object that cuts into the fourth railing post in the upper right hand corner.


    A nice moment captured here but it looks like no one came to their wedding (empty chairs in the background). To lessen that thought, I think this shot in B&W would do better and to crop off all around the couple and have the couple full framed.


    This is not an easy shot to do (veil over the couple). I think the thick white line created by the veil doesn't allow us to see the couple properly and it's hard to see the man's smile, which I find to be important to this shot. The guy in the red wetsuit in the background also distracts attention from the couple.


    The lighting here is beautiful. I love how the models' body contour fades into white, so it appears that the lower hand almost seems like it's not resting on her completely. What slightly bothers me in this shot is the positioning of the upper hand, it appears awkward. I also think cropping just below the shoulder would help the focus, as the whisps of hair tend to be a bit distracting, in my opinion.

    On the Canal

    I think this shot can be improved by cropping off the white patch of sky. When this is cropped off, it allows me to look into the image more and I then realize that there is another boat coming through. Dodging the house and burning the boat in the foreground may help balance this shot out as well. Otherwise a nice composition and setting.
  5. In this shot, I am immediately drawn to the white building. I would rather take the journey down the road to get to that point. The lines of the road are very nice but I can't seem to travel down it the way I'd like too. Overall a very nice composition. Although you can't go and paint the white building a different colour, I think this shot could be improved by having a subject in it, like a person on a bike or walking. You also have nice detail in the shadows.


    This looks like graffiti detail. Am I right? At first I thought it was something 3D with a reflection. I like how this plays with your eyes.
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