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Image Comments posted by nanette


    Good lighting and generally a good comp except that I don't like that the horizon is dead center. Raise it or lower it, in my opinion. (best lowered I think, it would give the models' leg more definition)

    Githio, Greece

    Horison is crooked and don't like the centered post. Good attempt at composition but I would have made this two green umbrellas and one white one, to get the post off center.


    Nice colours and DOF. I would crop out the trees in the background, just to give the sense of endless sunflowers. Your horizon is also slightly off (more noticable because of the trees). Maybe crop out the leaf that's poking in on the right as well. In terms of composition, the two sunflowers work as your subject but I would try to position myself so that there aren't other sunflowers (SF) so near in the background (the SF on the left is too close for my liking) as it's too sharp which distracts me a little.
  1. I like the red in this shot. The crop works great, especially with the two hands on the right. Although I know you can't control the crowd alone, the two hands below the performer look a bit weird just floating there. I think you could clone them out easily in this case, as then tend to be a tad distracting.
  2. Very nice detail in the fur and a good animal portrait. I find the lighting conditions not that favourable, as the direct light is giving blown out highlights. I know this is beyond your control but if you have time, maybe a more overcast day would help.

    White Wire

    I really like this abstract. The lines are great and it works well as a B&W. However, the white in the photo is a bit much for my liking. I would like to see this more underexposed to allow more lines to appear.


    Thanks for the comments. The red line bothers me too but not something I can help really. I don't think cloning it out would work too well, but something I could try. The red line makes me feel like my verticals are off but I've played with this and find that they aren't. As for the tower being out of focus, I'm not sure I see what you're seeing, Adam. This is a long exposure where I have zoomed during exposure, so there would be movement happening in the image. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by feedback either, could you explain this? (If you come back) Maybe someone else can enlighten me on Adam's comments. Thanks. Nanette
  3. Great contrast here and nice lines. I like how the angled fence post breaks up the repeating verticals. Nice comp but I could do without so much of the sky, as it centers your horizon too much. A nice feel to this image.


    This shot is too grey overall. Do you use a grey card by chance? This shot looks like you have just done in camera metering and due to all the white, it is giving you such a result. The result is that the image, in my opinion, feels dirty (for lack of a better term). I think the feel you're after here is innonence and newness (is that even a word?). The placement of the child in the photo is good but I would get down to the childs level and shoot from there. I like the crop that has been presented and the softening techniques. I also agree that it could be brighter but you'd get that proper exposure with proper metering.


    I know the chocolate is brown but I don't think the stuff it's on is supposed to yellow. Are you shooting film or digital? In either case, either use tungsten film here or switch your WB to tungsten lighting. This image kind of makes me feel sick.

    Found the monkey

    There is an interesting movement with the second monkey, compared to the first, who is more clear (although not in focus). Seeing that your using a point & shoot, I would avoid using flash when shooting through glass. I'm not sure if you have the option to do this. If not, try taking the picture from an angle, as you will prevent such strong reflections. In my opinion, I don't like your reflection in this shot and the composition needs improvement. It would be better to be able to see more of what is in front of the monkey's (where they're running off to), rather than all the negative space behind them (which doesn't add to the photo). Photographing wildlife takes great patience and if this is an area you are looking to progress in, I would have to say that an equipment upgrade with a good telephoto lens is essential. Good luck.

    Street Musician

    It's nice to see someone enjoy all of his vices: a cigarette, a guitar and a beer. Although this image makes me feel sad for the guy. I hope you left him a tip in exchange for this shot (which is a nice environmental shot).

    The Snail

    Nicely spotted. I like the contrast between nature and man in this image (man being the fence). The lines of the fence are great and you have a nice line giving shape to the snail. I think I may have tried this at a couple of different angles to try and reduce the trees in the background. The grass doesn't bother me, although it might look pretty cool with just the snail on the fence against the sky. I like how the snail is also hanging upside down, it gives the image a sense of danger and urgency to get somewhere safe.

    Quite the Layup

    This is a great moment you've captured here. I love the player's expression and the lines he has created with his body. The line of red dots looks cool too. I really enjoy the spectators, opposing tem player and ref in this shot as well. They really give a feeling of what this moment was like. I know how difficult it is to shoot sports photography and think you have done very well. The only improvement I would say is possibly equipment. The image is too grainy for my liking (high ISO possibly), this would be a perfect image if it were crisp. Great job!

    On Guard

    Hi Paul, This is a really lovely shot. Nice colours and an interesting subject. A nice addition to someone's wall in their home or office. :)


    A nice composition (horizon needs to be leveled though). I think this shot might look better in B&W as there isn't much colour to begin with and it might alleviate the bursting light coming from behind the tree trunk.
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