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Image Comments posted by nanette

  1. I was browsing your portfolio when I came across this thumbnail, I just knew I had to see it bigger. What a treat! The range of colours in this image really make this image feel alive, like it's flowing. The converging lines bring me to different areas of the image and even though the reflection of the vehicle is in every diamond, each one holds my interest. I am a big fan of these types of abstract images and am always seeking out new methods. I think I found a new one. :)



    I'm surprised at the comments I've received on this shot even though I've never asked for any. In any case, thanks!


    I shot this while I was in school. We were doing fashion and this was one of the models so unfortunately I won't be taking any more of her. (We're in different cities). This is a major road and is often full of traffic, there just happened to be a red light for a few moments. The police later chased my class and my teacher off the road, so this was the best shot I got of the road.


    I agree with the feeling that this might be gimmicky (B&W with colour selection). I did this because of the red vehicle in the background, I thought it might destract from the model. I actually prefer it in colour and will try to post a colour version soon.


    About the lane stripe under the skirt, I have contemplated cloning this out but feel that it wouldn't connect the left side of the road to the right and have therefore left it in. If I had removed it, I would feel that the right side of the image didn't belong because of the perspective.


    Thanks for all your input, it's greatly appreciated and I'm sorry it took me so long to respond. :)

  2. Marc-You have a good set of tonal ranges here, although I find the building on the left too dark for my taste. On the other hand, the mood of this image is strong. The ominous clouds in the sky, the old foreboding buildings in the back and the anonimity and stance of the girl is great. You have very nice lines running through this image as well. If I were to change anything here, I would maybe have taken this shot from a lower angle, so to give the girl more prominance (as she is on the same level as the buildings and river). I would almost give the girl the whole vertical span of the image, so that she covers every other aspect of this photo-head with the clouds, body with the buildings and legs and feet in the water. It would almost give another feel to this shot and a few different reactions. In any case, a good shot with a good concept. :o)


    Unique angle and pose, great comp. I just wonder about the hard line on the models' right shoulder, It looks like some work (cloning, dodging?) was done in this area. I could be wrong and it may be a skin condition but I don't see any other areas where there are abnormal tones.

    Bear and Eagle


    Hugh, yes, I agree that Ray has done a good job here if he added the eagle in. I firmly believe the eagle has been added, as I have viewed the details (f-stop, shutter speed, focal length and considered the compression). This image doesn't work for me because of the perspective of the bear, eagle and even the water. I have reviewed this image with a few other photograhers and they all agree the eagle has been added.


    Maybe Ray would be so kind to enlighten us on our views. :)

    The Box

    Really love the colours and contrast in this image. The looming storm gives such a wonderful mood and a strange yet interesting subject. Beautiful!

    Charles River


    I have to disagree with Tony. This image feels boring in my opinion. I hope you don't mind but I did a few changes in PS that makes this image more interesting (for me). Hope you don't mind, as I didn't want to write it all down when I can just show you. :)



    Interesting effect here but I'm on the fence about it. Great comp but I could do without the trees on either side. Back to the effect, I like how it makes the lamp post virtually invisible.
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