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Image Comments posted by nanette


    Usually it's old women who carry such a long ash on their ciggies but this works for me. Lighting, crop and the fact that everything is in focus makes this a great image. Nice!

    Fire Starter

    From the thumbnail, I thought this might be a cafe shot, the lighter appearing to look like a mug with steaming coffee inside. Again, it's easy to see that this image is your own, Alonesque, I call it. :) A beautiful image presented as B&W. Textures, DOF, exposure, comp-all perfect. Defnitely worthy of gallery wall space.
  1. This image reminds me very much of one of my own (which I don't have posted on PN for the moment). So of course I like the composition. Your colours although subtle are very effective in bringing out the mood of the door without a latch. If I have one suggestion to improve this image, it would be to level out your horizon, it appears that it's just slightly dipping down to the left. Like I said though, it's very slight. A beautiful capture!



    Yes you are absolutely right about cropping a touch off the right side to give this proper symmetry. I think that a thirds crop would work as well but I liked the equal distribution of light and dark which goes witht he whole symmetry concept. Vertically the symmetry in reflection and then the idea of symmetry between light and dark.


    Thanks everyone for your comments. I enjoy this one myself very much too.

    Yellow leaves

    Browsing through your images, this one stood out for me straight away. I feel like a squirrel. :o) The lines created by the branches above really allow me to travel through this shot. Great comp and colour. One small distraction is that little white bit on the tree trunk. Thanks for this new view. Welcome to Five too.


    Intriguing image. You have really nice tones here and an interesting subject. For me the door knob (including the metal part with the key hole) is too centered for my liking. I would have moved it a touch to the let and allowed more black into the image which would intrigue me to know what's inside. Nice to see you at Five too.


    How original, I don't think that I've ever seen a watch shot like this one. I would suggest to set the 'hands' at 10 and 2, as this is more aestethically pleasing. Most watch images have this time setting as it gives a nice balance whereas here the 'hands' give the feeling of imbalance. I might also try either a 'dead on' shot or a shot at a more extreme angle which would distort the glowing shapes. I might do a little post processing and give the colours more vibrancy and sharpen them a bit. Otherwise a great idea!


    An unusual moment not often seen. I like the lighting and crop but would have preferred a different expression on the woman's face. It seems like she's laughing because you are taking the picture which, in my opinion, takes away some of this moment. The DOF is great and the TP is a nice touch.


    Simple and fresh. The lines here are beautiful. As a nature photographer, do you ever move the environment to compliment your composition? Why I ask is because if I were setting up this shot and had the time, I may have carefully removed the bits of grass in the lower L area. I realize that this may have disturbed the lines though. In any case, a beautiful shot with or without the grass. :)
  2. Hi Mike, Is the the original shot of the previously posted image that was more cropped? If so, I like this one better, as I can see where Grinder is standing in the water. I think my comments about the high contrast day still stand but you can't help that. I'm not sure if I would remove the pine tree in the lower R corner, as I think you'd lose the blanace of the image. In any case, fun bears to photograph. :o)

    Siberian Tiger

    I would have to agree on the above suggestions (fill flash, lose the log etc) but what is nice about this photo, is that you are on the same level as the tiger which gives this image impact. Very nice!

    Cold Wine

    Alon, your images are truly unique. I don't even need to see your name to know it's your image. Again, this is a great image with picture perfect elements and composition. I would have to agree that the sky looks a bit odd in the R corner. I think that this would also make a nice square crop (then I don't see hte sky ;) )
  3. I live on the prairies (although the hills and mountains aren't too far away) and love the vastness of it. I love the simplicity of this shot and think that not only would it look great as a large print but also as a panorama (if you crop out most of the sky). It's nice to have an image where you get this kind of versality.


    I'm torn on the crops (as presented or square). I think that I would have rather seen this as a vertical, as I really enjoy the individual flames rising from behind the log. This is my favourite from your fire folder though.


    I don't like the red band, whether it's supposed to be there or not. A red band might work elsewhere in the image, like across the torsos. The red band would give meaning that these two girls are joined within (as they are also holding hands). Red band aside, the girls are too dark, flash would have really brought out their features and the colours of their clothes. I also would have tilted the camera more down to include the whole flip flop and not have it anchored to the bottom of the page. I would also get down to their level.


    While this is an interesting subject, there are improvements to made to make this image work. The garbage bags (?) in the background take all of my attention because they are so light and are essentially the source of any colour. The bags need to go or else incorporated to become a backdrop for the tap itself. The tap is also quite dark and could use some flash to bring out the details, which would also light up the debris in the cobwebs. I feel that this image would be more suitable as a vertical rather than a horizontal shot, as you would be able to see the rest of the cobweb. As a final note, make sure your verticals are straight, I find the off verticals to be distracting as well. Of course this is all my own opinion and you may take it with a grain of salt. You have a lot fo nice images in your portfolio though and I wonder what you think of this image yourself and what kind of critique you would give it.
  4. Great image. Nice comp and detail. The crop is great in the fact that this person remains anonymous although most of her is in the frame. I'm glad the hand is still "attached" to the model and I like where her leg breaks the surface of the water. I like the blue as well and was playing with the colours in PS when this idea of repeating the image in different colours popped into my head. Hope you don't mind but I think there is a lot you can do with this image if you like to play. :o)

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