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Image Comments posted by nanette

    Olympic Marmots


    Thanks for looking. I shot these marmots several years ago with my D70

    but think the IQ is still pretty decent. Please let me know your

    thoughts and critiques to improve this image. Thanks!


    Yes, I've posted again and will try to post more often but life just seems to happen sometimes. :) It's nice to hear from you. I'll have to spend some time here more often. I've kind of been more on the forum side of things lately but will be shooting more, so I should have more images to come. :) Cheers!

    Pisa Spies

    I tried more contrast with this image during post-processing but I start to lose the little corners on the left with more contrast. I totally know where you're coming from though. Thanks for looking,. :)
  1. This image has a great mood, very calm. I like the desaturation of colours here. Personally, I may have either included more foreground, as the sky doesn't add much for me. I like how the reflections work with the boat and the trees on the horizon.


    Thank you for your feedback. I never thought of trying this at an angle but the next time I am in town, I will be sure to try that out. You're right about timing when it comes to traveling, especially when you don't get to stay for very long. I'm glad you enjoyed this shot, it's one that I quite enjoy myself.

    Paris Street

    I like the quietness of this image. Very nice in B&W and great detail. Your verticals appear to be slightly leaning to the left (very slight). I would also crop out the dark line on the left side of the image to give a more balanced shot. I love the cars lined on the side of the street and how there is one tree and one person right in the center of the street. Very nice symmetry.


    A very effective image. I really enjoy the lines in this shot and like how nothing draws me out of the picture. I think the colours although subtle, just give enough information about what's hanging on the clothesline. I maybe would have liked to see this without such a tight crop at the top right corner but I think it's fine the way it is now too. This is an image that I could see as travel detail (if I were to categorize it).

    Flushed !!

    A good concept but room for improvement. First, I like the tones of the image and the elements of the shot. I think you could improve this image by having other "hands" at the table. It looks like there is supposed to be a person across from the man as suggested by the small pile of chips. It also seems like there are too many cards sitting in the deck to the left. For me, the liqour bottle should be uncapped and something should be in the shot glass (but I would prefer a short glass with ice in it). The long cigarette implies that the game maybe just started, as there aren't many butts in the ashtray. A nice cigar would suit me better too. Lastly, I think it needs a tighter crop to keep the viewer from straying out of frame and I might play with the lighting a bit. I think the smoke is a great addition though. I hope this helps. It's just my opinion. You're off to a great start. :)


    This is beautiful. It's not often that I see such a nice profile. Lighting is great and I do like all the negative space, if it were reduced, I feel like her line of sight is being obstructed. Simple and lovely.


    Very nice. I think this would make a great B&W image as well. Did you get a chance to get a shot with the person in closer view? I think that would add a lot to this image, as it feels a tad static with the person so far along the pier. Nice mood and lines here.

    Fish Story

    This is fun shot. The DOF is great and I like the blue and pinks in this image. I really like the mood of this shot and enjoy the curiousity of Gaya and children alike.

    orwellian (b)

    I enjoy the sleekness of this shot. Great lines and contrast. Not quite certain about the comp, I think I would prefer it if it were tighter. The arch on the top right keeps taking me out of the frame.
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