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hugo tuffen

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Image Comments posted by hugo tuffen


    A great idea for the abstract; the straight and curved lines combine beautifully. A slightly wider DOF might have been good, to also keep the right hand side in focus?



    Great composition Adam - although as you've shown in other photos the light here can be even better!


    Chris H: the rocks here are hydrothermally altered rhyolite lavas and dykes, some of which were erupted under thick ice. I did my PhD here mapping these rocks and it was a fantastic place to camp for 6 months!


    Hope you get to return here next year Adam.


    Very well chosen composition and depth of field, I like how the iceberg in the sea is moving, that's a great effect. What exposure time - about 5 s? Fantastic shot!

    Blue Lagoon

    Hi Sandris,

    This works very well, I like the depth of field with the steam in focus - it hints at the heat and steam rather than presenting it in an obvious way. The golden sunlight is also very beautiful.

    Best wishes, Hugo
  1. Hi Wolfgang,

    This is pretty extraordinary image, with such a complicated geometric space described by the lines and textures. The b&w tones are very good. The only thing I'm not entirely sure I completely like is the vertical axis of symmetry, it makes the photo look somewhat "kunstlich". If you have any images without this reflection it would be interesting to see them. All the same, a very interesting photo!

    Gruesse, Hugo

    The Veins.

    A great idea, I love the grainy wood and the out-of-focus figure in the background. The unsaturated tones are also excellent! My only criticism is that the bokeh in the top of the photo seems a little strange and there are horizontal lines in the sky - what is that? Do you recommend the 10-20 lens, then?? With best wishes, Hugo
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