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hugo tuffen

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Image Comments posted by hugo tuffen


    Hi Alexandra,
    This photo is really growing on me, I love the abstraction and the muted colours.
    I'm enjoying how you're focussing on geometrical forms.




    It's a great idea to see the world from this perspective, a very cool photo. I like the contrast between the daisies and the clouds, perhaps it is a little oversharpened, though?


    best wishes from lancaster, hugo


    Mi encanta la composition y el sentido triste del imagen. Solo quieria saber que pasa con la textura en la esquina izquierda inferior? Recuerdos, Hugo



    Hello Alexandra!


    You're done it again, another beautifully rich photograph with a difference. I'm amazed how you captured the moment when the shadow of the tall streetlight that is out of sight to the top left exactly merged with the boys' shadows. Looking at their shadows it looks like one of them has a huge diamond-shaped head...


    The movement of the boys, the slightly sinister shadows of the plane trees and the more subtle textures on the concrete all combine to create something unexpected. I still can't decide if I'd like so see a little cropped from the right and bottom of the image, but it's your choice as the photographer!


    I look forward to seeing more, bisous, Hugo


    hey benjamin!

    can't beat something stuck in a crack...

    how's you??

    this is amazing, are you looking up at a chockstone?

    you got any volcano pics to share here? They'd go down well! You don't always get a lot of feedback from people but there are some excellent photographers posting on this site...

    hope to catch up with youn in Vancouver in June?
    cheers hugh

    a pebble


    a little pebble about to be engulfed by a wave. i used 1/60 s exposure

    to give some movement in the water...do you have any comments???? best

    wishes, hugo

    Winter Water


    Bonne annee Alexandra!




    as for this photo, well, what can I say? Amazing. there is such a sense of space here, one could even be on another planet floating between asteroid leaves. i love the tones of the world you've created. thank you. Hugo

  1. an interesting composition and good use of the contrast between natural and manmade objects in Iceland, but I'm afraid that I do agree with Stephen Penland's comment that the colours of the church are a little too exaggerated and this does detract greatly from the photo as a whole. The church stands out so strongly that it could easily be mistaken for another cheap photoshop trick if you're not familiar with the amazing Icelandic landscape.
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