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hugo tuffen

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Image Comments posted by hugo tuffen

    Glacial Caverns


    A great use of a wide angle. I like how you've got blue ice on one side and dirty red ice on the other. The holes in the ice ceiling add much interest, the exposure balance between outside and inside is excellent and the water dripping from the ceiling is a good extra detail.


    You've created a fascinating, eyecatching scene on a grey, cloudy day, so my hat's off to you!

  1. Normally this stream is only a small trickle at this time of day, the

    high discharge was probably due to the sudden release of meltwater

    from one of the glaciers in the crater. Canyons tens of metres deep

    can be cut in days by meltwater on the unstable slopes of the volcano.

  2. The shape of the volcano changed drastically in the May 18 1980

    eruption, as the top 600 m of the volcano collapsed and was blasted

    sideways. The slopes you see here are mantled by ash from both this

    and earlier explosive eruptions. This is a black and white treatment

    of a colour shot taken from a Cessner 4 seater airplane.


    Hi Alexandra, another great photo..I like the softness on the bottom right hand side and the texture of the paper on the top left. The contrast between the curves and the straight lines and the way the geometries intersect....Nice to see how you've made something so interesting from a piece of paper, a doorframe and some sunshine....! Gruesse Hugo
  3. Thanks Emilia!


    This is Forte Prenestino (google it), a huge squat in Roma, and the event was the primomaggio party (the May Day festival). Loads of bands, graffiti, theatre, DJs and creative underground scene people. Brilliant!


    Is there much of this sort of thing going on in Romania? I'm coming to Romania with my girlfriend later this year and would like to find some cool places!


    Ciao, Hugo

  4. I think this photo is very original. Although it doesn't really showcase the stunning landforms around Goreme, the sun striking the balloon provides interesting contrast. It would be great to see any other photos from this day - lucky you to get to ride in one of the balloons! Best wishes, Hugo

    Notre Dame

    Hi Sarah, many thanks for your comment. I think you're right, I shot at about f8 and f16 would have been better. Really appreciate that you stopped by as I've received no other feedback on my last eight photos! Best wishes, hugo


    A great idea and I love the abstraction. Are you happy with the effect given by a shallow DOF? I've not seen many, if any mineral photos with this, they have mostly had a wide DOF so that everything is in focus. I'm impressed by your image, but maybe you need something more definite in the well-focussed part, to which the eye is drawn..? Cheers Hugo


    Thanks, that's great to know. Sorry if I sounded mean to suggest it was "false" blur! So you'd recommend this lens? Looks like it can take some great close-ups. Cheers Hugo


    A great idea to use the colours and snail shell geometry with a very shallowdepth of field. Is this a 100 % genuine DOF or have you post-processed? The excessive sharpness of the in-focus flowers and the extreme blur of the right side of the snail look slightly unreal for a genuine shot! Nonetheless, a very effective image...
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