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Image Comments posted by giggles

    without words

    The emotion of the photo far outweighs any technical junk. I always aim for emotion over everything else as that is what I think makes a two dimensional image work. If the viewer can look at a photograph while having it envoke a emotion within them, the photograph becomes meaningful. I have had the opportunity to have three children of my own and meeting them for the first time has been the most amazing experiences of my life so your image brings me back to those times and leaves me smiling:)

    Mother & Son


    Hi Yinka -


    For this shot I did use just one AB400 and a large reflector. Are you liking your ABs - what did you end up getting. I am thinking of ordering another 400 soon.


    My backdrop is just a 6x9 that I got off of ebay. I think I paid $19 for it. I like the subtle mottled look when I do more classic portraits such as this. I then do some burning around the edges to try to create more of a spotlight effect.


    I got the 18-200 for a Christmas gift. When dealing with children and a small studio space I really like having the zoom feature even though my 50mm is probably a little sharper. I also thought the VR would work some with moving children and no tripod. I am constantly zooming in and out in attempt to get some variety of shots.


    Thanks for commenting...




    For this shot I used my Alien Bee 400 strobe positioned pretty close to Dylan's right side. I have a giant octobox on it so the lighting is not so harsh. I did edit it in PS by running an action called Midnight Sepia and then some of my own tweaking to sharpen the eyes, color balance, curves, and saturation.

    Mother & Son


    Yes - they are both just stunning and the sitting went pretty well considering he is a 4 year old boy that just wanted to be outside playing in the snow.


    Not a new backdrop, just a 6x9 that I haven't used in awhile. I have about 6 that size but I so prefer shooting on a 10x20 that I forget about them and rarely take them out.


    Thanks everyone - even though my studio name is "Giggles n Grins", I am really liking the serious shots these days. This little guy is only 4 but according to his mother he has an old soul which I think I captured.

    Maui Sunset


    "They're Backkkk!"


    Nice to see some of your beautiful landscapes/coastline shots again.


    Make sure to keep posting your potrait work too so once in awhile I can chime in. I can offer you nothing but praises with your landscape shots.


    Very Cool! I am in Iowa and this is what I drive by every day which until now I found pretty boring. You have now inspired me to get out of my car and photograph a cow:) I love the effects you used to make this a piece of art versus a portrait of a cow. I am sure people around would love this.


    Love this Jason - very creative. It looks like a professional poster. You'll have to add this to his bedroom wall of sports photos. Your framing accents and sets off the image well also.

    Bashful Bryce

    Hi Kevin - In this shot, I used just one strobe light with a large octabox. I typically use only one light when shooting against my black backdrop since I like the shadows. Once in awhile I'll use my large reflector if I need a little more light. Have fun photographing your baby - I love that stage and before you can blink they be all grown up and sassy like mine:)
  1. Hi Jayme - Looks like you are finally taking the plunge... Good for you. I downloaded the trial painter but was overwhelmed so I would deifinitely need to take a class.


    There is a women on another site I frequent that is AMAZING with painter. Her name is Jill Garl and her studio website is www.hannahseyesphotography.com. Check out her paintings galleries they are just beautiful and I can see you doing work like that. She also offers onine classes but is booked until May. Let me know what you think...


    By the way, I love your image tones and crop. Much better than anything I could do so I can't offer any technical critique advice.

    Bashful Bryce

    I love naked babies under 6 months old... but rarely do I get the opportunity to photograph them. I love the little rolls and dimples - just how god created them. I was pleased with the entire series that I shot of Bryce and he always does so good. He is just a beautiful baby with a sweet little personality. He'll hate me and his mom when he is older and she puts them out at his high school graduation party:)

    Ava Hates Hats

    Thanks for commenting... I love shooting against black as is evident in my portfolio. I find it easiest to light and like having a few shadows. I also love the large catchlights in her eyes. I know many people don't but I think they give a little more depth to portraits. She was a lot of fun to photograph but definitely did not like wearing a hat.



    I'm confused... when I clicked to contribute a comment a boy in a green sweater appeared.


    Anyways, I am commenting on the photo titled Ashley. I think it is beautiful. Usually I am fan of framing but with this shot it takes away from the photo. The shot would do much better without the framing and title. The silhouette is perfect and the colors are amazing. I wish I could do shots such as this...

    Baby Blue

    Oh Todd - this is gorgeous!!! I totally agree with your comment to Jaun. It is the difference between a fine steak and hamburger. Maybe he is in to snapshots versus art but to each his own. I love the tones and his eyes are stunning. Would you mind sharing the website that you referred to? I would love to try this with my son, who also has the icy blue eyes.


    Thanks Yves & Biliana for your comments. I so struggle with taking a decent photograph of my own children so to have them all looking the same direction was quite an accomplishment. You have it correct that Nicholas (the little guy) is definitely the center of all of our attention. He is quite something and I hope his eyes stay as icy blue as they are now. My oldest two are at that stage where they can't smile on cue. On most occasions when I tell them to smile, they look as if they are in pain and in the end we are all frusterated. I find it so much easier working with other people's children:) I think it must just be my patience level.
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