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Image Comments posted by giggles

    Oh my..!

    This is a very good portrait - You've captured her personality wonderfully and I feel like I know her. Beautiful lighting and a perfect expression! Love the large catchlights too!



    Thanks friends for the comments and encouragements. She is truly just a real life doll - this is the fourth occassion that I have had the opportunity to photograph her and each time she keeps getting prettier and prettier. I worried about shooting white against white but was up for a challenge and I think it turned out ok - not too many blown spots. I have attached the original straight-out-of-camera image for comparison. I thought the square crop was more suitable to get rid of the side negative space.



  1. Hi Alistair - I like the close crop and she is a darling little girl. Now for my critique since you asked. Even though she is looking at the camera, I would try to capture more of her personality in the shot. I look at this and think she is a cute little girl but I don't know her personality at all. With a portrait I try to capture that spark that each child has whether it is shy, sassy, sweet or silly. I hope that makes sense. I played some with the curves, brightness, contrast, dodging & burning tools in PS just to show you a different look to the photo. I don't necessary think my version is better but just my approach to outdoor shots.


    The more portraits you take the more you'll realize your style and the more you'll learn. It amazes me to look back at my first portraits to where I am just two years later. I didn't take any classes or read any books. I just kept shooting and sharing.


    Keep them coming, especially the kids portraits. I will help any way I can:)




    Brush Play

    Thanks for commenting. This is not my typical style but I thought it was fun playing with my brushes and textures. Having her in a flower headband made for easy inspiration. I thought it was kind of an antique overlay look - very feminine.


    Thanks Jason - This was our christmas photo this year - the best I could do and figured it was a success that at least they are all looking at me (as I threaten them that if they don't Santa won't come) - just kidding! Nicholas is my child that will keep me young as I constantly have to outthink, outrun and outlast him. It is like Survivor - Koch House addition.

    Miss Zoey


    Hi Jayme - I do find it so much easier to photograph little girls than boys. It is just fun finding little "girly" accents. I have two boys and a nephew due in May so my six year old, Kenna, is the only little girl I can practice on regularly beside all my customers. I love your ultrasound photos... I wish I would have had that done. Congratulations on your grandson - I look forward to seeing how you capture his image.


    I bet you are anxious to get your studio completed. You have to promise to take photos and post them for us to see like you did your last one. I have only been in my studio for about a year and am already cramped and wishing for a new space. I probably just need to reorganize and throw some things out. I have always thought that having a whole house for a studio would be great. You can just have rooms permanently set-up and carry your lights around. Have you purchased any flooring? If you go to www.imagesoflove.com, she has some beautiful flooring that I need to find. I haven't figured out if it is her studio floors or fake such as I do.


    I just posted some shots of a little 7 week boy, Gavin that was just a doll. I love the large catchlights in his eyes. If you have time let me know what you think. Are they too big and distracting or not?


    Thanka again.

    Miss Zoey

    Thanks for commenting. This little girl is just a peanut and her halo kept falling around her neck so she was getting mad. I am happy with his capture and always have so much fun with the baby girls. I was worried about exposure since I don't use a light meter and the photo has so many tones of creams/whites but I think it worked ok. Lucky me:)

    Miss Zoey


    Portrait of a six month old baby girl with a halo of real flowers.

    Comments are appreciated and suggestions on how to improve the

    image. Thanks!

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