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Everything posted by JamieK

  1. JamieK


    so lovely. so very very lovely. not hellish at all for me. bravo. j
  2. Transparency! Cool! I love the motif you've chosen, simultaneously mystical and computery.
  3. JamieK

    Stormy V

    Wonderfully pensive.
  4. too much sharpening for me.
  5. JamieK

    One of thousands!

    very pretty, as most have mentioned. I would only add that the brave caterpillar does not "become" a butterfly. It digests itself, and the butterfly grows in and eats the goo.
  6. very nice as two separate bits
  7. JamieK


    It is very funny. Brass party. Pleasing arrangement and assortment of distances.
  8. JamieK


    three dots is just an ellipsis; you wouldn't pause at all!
  9. JamieK

    evening walk

    very pleasing range of subtle colour.
  10. JamieK

    Out Of The Waves

    your first one is a great one. I like the blown out quality.
  11. JamieK

    street art

    pleasing symmetry.
  12. JamieK


    very pretty. i love the pastel colours.
  13. JamieK

    A Shy Plant

    you just can't be too careful!
  14. JamieK


    I was using separate comments to insert a thoughtful pause.......
  15. JamieK


    (it's lovely and deeply meaningful.)
  16. JamieK


    And the lizard looked on.........
  17. JamieK


  18. JamieK


    So much more authentic and visceral than are we. I like the bright sumdges at the top evincing their glassy incarceration.
  19. JamieK


    Quite clever, but the foot fragments ease it back a little. nice simplicity.
  20. JamieK

    Hieracium murorum

    very pleasing arrangement.
  21. JamieK

    Caught in a web

    very nice. you may have lost a lot of information in the flowers trying to highlight the web...
  22. JamieK

    This is really wonderful to my eye.
  23. JamieK


    ahh. sorry. there was one recently. i hope you will forgive me my insensitivity.
  24. JamieK


    Thanks Daniel. There was more than a kilo-picture in here when I stopped using photonet long ago. I have mercilessly cut it down to a more manageable bulk and tentatively started using it again.
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